The War Within is pretty boring

This is how every expansion works. I do not understand why it is suddenly an issue.

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There is none. If you don’t include the QoL changes that could have been completely independent of an expansion launch and a race no one wanted, then this expansion had 2 features.

Oh wait, Skyriding was a DF feature.


I think it was Delves. But if you aren’t a solo player, yeah lol.

And Warbands, but that’s more of a system update rather than new content.

It is rather template.


They even fooled us with upgraded Tuskarr models and the bluberry muffins that demonstrated most of the animations for them are coded already.

Could’ve easily had Tuskarr for Alliance and Gnolls for Horde, but that’s old school Blizzard. Too much work for them now.


chris did say war within is “just part one of a bigger overarching storyline”

meaning he probably did little input on this whole expansion and the titan stuff is his little pepper and salt on a product which was already 70% done

midnight is where it really goes into metzen land


That could very well be the case and yet that doesn’t mean I actually expect this overarching story to be exciting, interesting, or good.


well im hyped for finally a cosmic battle again after legion.


He’s purely a story guy though, he doesn’t do anything systems-wise.

If not for housing, I’d probably be as excited for Midnight as I was for TWW.


I’m hopeful but not hyped. Won’t set myself up for disappointment but I will hopefully be pleasantly surprised for my expectations to be wrong.


well for me i play wow for transmog and follow the storyline when im engaged and so far im pretty ok on this one. though xal is a failure i dont see how she will be a threat for three expansions

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I think a major issue with TWW is the weekly events. Soup, that siege event in Waking Shore, grinding cobalt and Sabellion/Wrathion rep.

It kind of felt like an ode to classic because the game funneled you to being social in the open world.

This expac we have snooze fest theater and an instanced awakening the Machine thing that’s boring AF.


I just liked bugging the soup out so I could stand it in and take a bath in everyone’s meal.


DF took what felt like the best of Classic and fit it into Retail without needing to find groups. There was people always doing the open world events. I really miss saying Yes Chief…


In general the games more fun when you can organically create moments like that.


Have you tried doing these achieves: “A Farewell to Arms” “You Xal Not Pass” and “Isle Remember You” tons of rewards if you do these. Do Pet battles and level pets to level 25, run old raids for mounts mogs toys, grind rep for old factions for quarter master rewards such as mounts/pets/mogs. Weekly fishing derby for mount/mogs. There is a lot to do if you look.

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The biggest problem I have with Blizzard, is that if they implement something poorly, or break it, they almost never go back and fix it.

The list of things is too long to count.

I can’t even play my mecha-gnomes right now because the screws in their arms spin way too fast lol, some kind of animation bug, and that started happening back in DF. It’s been literal years.


TWW’s story is definitely… something. Something I’d rather become something.

Unfortunately the current something is rather already not so something. Enough to the point it can’t become something.


in this case shadowlands for new characters


I genuinely only do theater with Wmode on to dunk on Moonguardians who feel safe.

If it wasn’t for Wmode I wouldn’t even do it anymore. Same with Awakening. Once you get the mount it’s sleepy time.

I forgot to mention lighting the fires in Hallowfall, but that feels very solo aligned compared to the events in DF where you kinda needed to group or at least hit the same mobs due to them being tougher elites.


After doing it on at least four toons every week for months I just gave up on that one. Isn’t meant to be for me.