The War Within is pretty boring

Undermine looks okay but if the plan here is to drag everything out until we get the final raid that leads into Midnight I can see this game losing a LOT of players.

Where’s the special sauce?


Delves, Earthen, and Warbands.

I think a lot of people mentioned the box features were MIA. Im worried that this is all a ramp up to Midnight. Because thats…what? February of 2026.


I too think it’s just a ramp to Midnight as well. I guess the story actually starts there sadly.


I was onboard with the slowness of Dragonflight because we needed a reset. And i liked that things were building - Xal/Iridichron - but even DF was better than this.


I mean 11.1 looks a hell of a lot better then 10.1 and yes currently the TWW S1 is way worse then DF S1. I really miss DF S1 soup…sigh the world felt alive again back then.


Seems fine to me but the dungeons have a whole lot of unneeded and unwanted rp events that they are gonna have to strip out.

They do have to start crackin the whip on the raid design team though. They have to stop making turd bosses.


I’m worried we’re going to get more of the same for Midnight and Titan and that these expansions are small and full of reskins, as we first expected and were assured wouldn’t happen. Blizzard has gone from it’s ready when it’s ready to cheap and low-effort.


Midnight is gonna feel like TWW for us non elf-lovers.

You just can’t make people like stuff they aren’t fond of, themes and all.


We have a lot of elves in TWW?

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Yeah it’s weird how everyone is just talking about midnight including Blizzard

Feels like i’m paying monthly for filler slop


Midnight is gonna be the ‘elf expansion’, just saying if TWW is boring for elves, Midnight is gonna be that for the opposite lol.


WoW players 2022: DF is just a palate cleanser to lead us into a new and exciting story.
WoW players 2024: TWW is just a ramp up to lead us into Midnight.
WoW players 2026: Well I think Midnight is just filler to lead us into the epic conclusion in the Last Titan.

We’ll see man but I think people expecting this story to suddenly get good are on some serious copium.


Lol yeah, Blizzard will always be stringing us along like this.

And when things get rough, that’s when they release ‘a bit more’ (but not too much) to keep interest afloat.

It’s just business.


Finally someone who don’t got deluded by those road maps and youtubers. Thank You.

We’re not getting more content than before, we’re getting less contet divided into small pieces to create an illusion that it is more, and to make it worse, most of this content is just reskined stuff from previous patchs.


I really don’t know what exec at Blizzard decided Earthen were interesting enough to carry an expansion. We went from friggin dragons to little stone people.


Haven’t played a new class or a new race since BfA. The last few additions have been so bad that “new classes and races” are box features I ignore now. They are not meant for me.


I’ll take dwarves over dragons any day of the week lol

Dragons are overplayed, and rarely are they ever utilized in interesting ways within fantasy settings. That holds especially true for WoW.


What’s funny is we had tuskar people and everyone was like those things are cool, let us play as those. Nope here’s a 3rd reskinned dwarf.


Was pretty cool seeing so many folks out and about for the soup event, dreamsurges, rifts, etc. World is pretty much nonexistent in this xpac. Kinda why I miss Legion, and BFA also. So many people out in the actual game world doing stuff like the invasions, faction assaults. Game for the first time since the early days there actually felt like there was a world in warcraft in those expansions.


I don’t know, gameplay-wise I think it’s fine if a bit monotonous, once you get your objectives done… That’s it, see you next season, unless you enjoy repeating the same dungeons over and over PRAYING ON YOUR KNEES for that 1 ilv upgrade from the vault.

Thematically though, the expansion barely has any bite, to be frank, I don’t care, at all, about the Earthen, like, they got some interesting stuff going with Azeroth being the one that gave them free will instead of the Old Gods, but that’s about it, really.

The Arathi sound cool, but the way they talk about their mainland Empire makes them sound faaaaaar more interesting than the ones we see in Hallowfall.

Xal’atath, I mean, she is having more fun toying with Alleria than anything, she doesn’t even feel threatened by our characters and in turn, we don’t feel threatened by her, she destroyed Dalaran but lo and behold, everyone important made it out. Like, I was invested in Legion because from the opening scenario you got the taste of how powerful the Legion was, killing a bunch of important NPCs, comparetively, losing Dalaran meant basically nothing to me, not to mention that everyone was theorizing Khadgar was alive since he “died” off screen and… Yeah.