The war within is formulaic and boring

Legion was peak modern WoW. I suspect the character assassination campaign against, Alex Afrasiabi, was sort of a way to excuse the coming line of stinker expansions and story progression.

Love or hate, Alex, you can’t deny he made a much more compelling story than the story devs that followed.


Oh you aren’t kidding. It had its ups and downs but it was, by far, the best expac (my opinion) since the original trio of vanilla/tbc/woltk. It felt like it fit really well in there. WOD would have been ok too if they didn’t abandon it in the first year.


Have to agree about legion, that was and still is my favorite expansion. I think i like TWW better than DF though. One complaint I do have is the S1 loot feels underwhelming.


I’m confident that those were Afrasiabi’s baby and he’s gone now. This is what you get when you hire sociopaths and eventually put them in charge. The current Lead Designer is a perfect example.

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Well, we know who watched Preach and paid close attention. :laughing:

Most people didn’t, but it’s super comical how huffy you’re getting about the whole thing.

It’s a video game, and someone has a different opinion about it than you. Stop having a hissy fit over it.


“The campaign itself is a little bit shorter, and we invested some time in those local stories for zones, with the expectation that you would play some of them while leveling. We wanted you to understand the place you’re in more fully and some of the characters more fully. “

“So, we incorporated a lot of that extra interest into those stories. We made sure that the main campaign was what you need to know to understand the overarching story specifically.”

“There are people, believe it or not, who don’t enjoy the story. They’re not really interested in that. We wanted to make sure we were giving you what was important to understanding that campaign. All of the other stories that we have throughout the zones are local stories that let you learn about the world and enjoy the world,”

A Blizzard Dev in an interview with Taliesin and Evitel


That’s fair. But using your book comparison again, if every book in the series for the last 6+ years has arguably been awful and then the first chapter of the most recent book is also not great, it’s probably safe to assume the rest of the book is going to be bad as well and I’d say thats a fair assumption.


Considering you’ve been on the forums all day whining about “dei” I’m gonna guess that you haven’t even played TWW and therefore have no ground to stand on in relation to the stories quality

Oh also

This tells me you’re 100% a troll anyone who actually played Shadowlands knows it was complete garbage especially Bastion and Maldraxxus.


I am not into much of Isle of Dorn exploration. It’s for kids.

If you want adult scenery… go and be surrounded by level 80 elites in Azj-Kahet. Awhile ago, I was hunting and putting down Rare Flying Elite 80’s… I have to ground it but the ground was also full of elite 80’s. I was having a blast on the difficulty. But all of these would be a faceroll once I started getting upgraded Dungeon/Raid gear.

Also try Heroic Dungeons right now… you wont see kid’s stuffs. I am a returning WoW player. It’s like I am home again. Cant wait to do them on Mythic+.

I remember my nephew who saw me playing WoW when he was a kid… Now grown up, he asked my how I able to move so fast pressing lots of buttons dodging stuffs while pew-pewing monsters when he saw me did an M+15 on DF. He was overwhelmed on complicated stuffs my character was doing. I told him… Come, play with me. I will teach you. He said No, It’s too complicated. It would take me forever to learn all of that. Typical Gen Z response. I dunno. He knows I am not playing a Kid’s Game.

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Regarding the books, I actually find that the first two Traveler books were the least problematic.
They basically did nothing more than describe parts of the world and cultures while following the adventures of a boy, without adding retcons or messing things up. Because in the game itself and in the “more serious” books, you constantly get the feeling that the authors themselves don’t really know what happened before and then insert their own interpretation, only for it to be different in the next book again.

HOO BOY, we’re truly entering the Shadowlands revisionism phase.


Way back in the day I mistakenly pre-ordered this game. I’ve been playing a ton of ARPGs are of recent and then came back to try this out, because I figured ‘why not’? Well… what a grave mistake I have made. This game is incredibly boring and I unsubbed after my first couple of fetch quests… This game is so boring and I spent the evening re-installing it just to get bored of the terrible story and archaic gameplay.

Maybe MMOs are just not my thing, but between work and raising children, I can’t stomach fetch quests and a convoluted story.

This game needs some work and I feel like I am forever done with WoW.


Yes and no. Depends on the author and reader expectations.

  1. This is a video game, not a book.
  2. Video gamers, especially WoW players, rarely have attention spans (Not trying to mean offense to anyone).
  3. Said video gamers are allowed if not expected to openly critique WoW’s story.
  4. They probably won’t like it.

I don’t personally care that WoW has a story. I didn’t care that everything before Wrath (Even Wrath to a good degree) was a quest-fest. I don’t care that there’s an MSQ to do now (Ok I kind of do but meh).

Folks are allowed to dislike the story for thinking it’s boring right off the bat.


How on earth do you have 17k achievement points if fetch quests are what are making you quit the game forever?

Like, you should’ve quit within the first 5 minutes of any leveling zone at that point.

I honestly find that funny since it changed the most this xpac- there are no xpac pillar features for the first time.


-Shadowlands involved going to the “afterlife” to fight a giant vague villain we’ve never heard of who was “totally pulling the strings of everyone” and… y’know what, I can’t even begin to unpack all of the problems with Shadowlands gods awful story in one thread.

TWW is more grounded, which is what the portion of the playerbase without silky smooth brain potatoes in their cranium were asking for. The side quests have relatable themes, and it’s all around just better writing.

You high bruv?

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like literally EVERY game like this that has ever existed? lol.
The entire game is that…questing. doing X for Y.

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I just saw 5 mouthbreathing replies cutting out context regarding this exchange.
You still lose even when you try to cheat:

I only see one mouth breather here and it’s right above this post.


ooooooooooOooOoooo :laughing: