The War Within Hotfixes - September 19

This is absolutely still broken and hooking pets

Completely dumpstered the trinket. PLEASE revert this

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Yeah not only did they make it trigger a 30 second global cooldown on other trinkets now (change was needed, tbh), the jumping to cancel is just horrible, unintuitive, and just feels wrong.

Not a big fan of this change. It caused me to wipe my raid a few times tonight on council, getting stunned in the frontal and when I’m supposed to be web stretching. It took me a while to figure out the issue, squinting, rereading that two page tooltip.

Using it again to remove the toxin is a much better design, because now if the toxin is wearing off while I need to stand and hard-cast, I have to interrupt it to remove it. Please consider reverting this change.

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This is still broken. My pet (SV Hunter) still stops the hooks.

I’ll just keep bringing it up. The eu forums have had much better engagement on the subject. They’ve even stated the entries still exist in the database. They need to make the players whole here.

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It’s been a month.

It’s not happening.

Just had a NW7 key bricked because it hooked a Shaman totem so can confirm this did not fix it.

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Any news on progress for restoration of Guild Bank items that were wiped? Guild bank missing items - what happened? - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (

610 forum users reporting themselves impacted by this, and not a single Blue Post. All comms from GM tickets, Twitter, CS EU reps have been of the “we’re working on it” but no guidance as to whether it’s safe to use the Guild Bank again, official confirmation that the underlying bug has been fixed, or whether impacted Guilds are likely to get their items back.

Data corruption (even if “only” display data) would have had other companies raising this to Director level (at least in Europe, where it can be a legal issue and impact share price). How hard is it to compose one Blue Post reply to a trust issue, that has already had people un-subbing, over one month after it started happening?


Why make an already annoying to use trinket even more annoying to use?

It was probably because people were farming the BiS trinket from the first boss, bricking groups or causing disappointment when people joined only to find first boss down. Basically, a heavy-handed extra punishment for leaving group content for your own reason.

Rewards always work better than punishments for encouraging co-operative behaviour.
It would have been better simply to move that item from the first to the last boss.