The War Within Hotfixes - September 18

please fix branns stuff in the underwater delves nothing works in them and he just runs all over the place pulling everything.

Not to mention him being stuck for people randomly from level 34-38, where he just randomly stops gaining XP


31 brann here and he just stop getting exp… so it’s not only 34-38

Hey Boss, can we find a way for Brann to drop his campfire on command, please?

What if I want to take a wee break to get that wee buff huh?


I think you have a misunderstanding of how threat works in this case.

As far as I know:

The boss has a table of threat that it is keeping track of over the course of a fight. Your warlock is generating threat through the damage your character (not your pet) does to the boss. When your pet dies, it is dropped off the threat table. Then your new pet is summoned, which starts at zero threat. The boss still remembers that “[warlock] has hit me for 5 minutes accumulating X million threat points” and it is weighing that against the new Felguard that starts with zero threat generated.

What Threatening Presence does is it takes the damage done by your pet and gives it an outsized threat value - let’s say the Felguard hits for 1000 damage but the boss threat table sees it as if it were being hit for 10,000 or 100,000 damage. In a normal fight, this helps keep the Felguard higher than your warlock on the threat table. If you summon another pet mid-fight, the problem is your warlock is so far ahead of a brand new Felguard that it may take a very long time for New Felguard to catch up even with the threat buff.

In the situation you describe, you need a taunt. Taunts work differently in that they force the taunting pet/character to the top of the threat table immediately. The only warlock pet that has this ability is the Voidwalker with its spell called Suffering. So, in the case where you’ve been fighting for awhile and absolutely need something to be tanked off you, you need to summon a Voidwalker mid-fight and not a second Felguard, assuming the boss is tauntable.


I saw someone in another thread say that there’s a cap on the number of delves per week in which he will gain exp, but haven’t been able to confirm.

( I did exile my paladin down to a T1 delve today and found Brann wasn’t getting any exp there )

Keep going with the HP, across the board. It’s tedious chewing through 11m normal mobs. Clearance times are too high.

whats the bet we get some timer garbage
id rather they lower the loot to veteran than ever get a timer

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brann still does not target eggs in Zekviks lair, Tier ??

So why were the delve changes made in the first place?


Haha you messed up the bullet points and put mage as a dk spec lol


might wanna look into the little dude for when you stand in the circle and he runs up and you got to click on him and defend him. we were at the 2nd defend of the 4 in the delve where we clicked on him and nothing happened. the wave didnt come at us. and he became unclickable. after 10-15 mins of being in there we had to leave and start over. worked 2nd time when we went through.

lol. fixing a bug they will completely remove in near future.

fix stealth bugs!

This is all fine and dandy, Now, how bout you hotfix our items back into our Guild Banks!

Do the blues even read our comments? Buff the EBG npcs. Epics were actually fun for once before the nerf. Now they are easier than before the expansion. At least let us vote on it.

11 Blue posts here with changes to classes and other stuff.
That’s great.

Not a single mention of stealth for all rogue specs or BtE? Stealth, you know the identity of the rogue class. BtE outlaws bread and butter?

I know this isn’t on you or any other Blizz employee that posts here but at some point one has to ask. Where’s the quality some of us have grown accustomed to after 20+ years?

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i got 1600 in rated blitz, i dont think you can get the pvp reward token for the free tire piece in rated blitz, i sure did NOT

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Noticed on Zekvir, no change. While i understand he is a “raid” boss, the rewards for finishing it is not worth it. IMO of course. EIther raise the rewards, or lower his 1 shot kill on nearly all classes. Says you need to finish a t7 delve to open him, but t7 is 580ish gear, and from what i am seeing you need 600+ to go against him.

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Perfect!! Thank you!! :+1: :grin:

That makes total sense since I did test this out after this post. And it works great. Felguard died, I gained threat, summoned Voidwalker, took threat and was able to carry on with the fight.

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Bloodied blade buff is nice

Still no fix for Duskweave drops?

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