The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

I believe it’s just left over. When the change went in I got heritage armor quests on toons that race changed years ago. Boosted toons as well.

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August 7, 2024


  • Steady Flight should no longer be removed after entering an Arena.


  • We tuned up the Prototype Shredder MK-03 so that “Eye for an Eye” can be completed.

Radiant Echoes Event

  • Increased Flightstone and upgrade Crest drop rates in the event.
  • Reduced the HP scaling on all event bosses so that they should be killable in a more-reasonable timeframe.
    • Developers’ notes: This includes both ‘minibosses’ (e.g. Hogger, Thorim) and final bosses (e.g. Remembered Onyxia, Ragnaros).

So your take is because I suffered others should too? Seems very boomer. Let’s be real it wasn’t even hard to get to max and I did it with this nb when level cap was 120. So who cares? It was arbitrary when it was introduced anyway

what about enhancement’s elemental blast not replacing lava burst and gaining a second charge?

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same. Warlock quest for artifact appearance shouldn’t require 3 people anymore. Also, if any part of your order hall involves the place where we portal for the event, it won’t phase properly. My shaman is screwed till the end of the month in that regard.

He was asking about boosting, not race changing.

Well, if it were dead i would be happier since it would be very, very, slow moving.

No, it’s “These transmog sets were introduced as a reward for leveling a toon from scratch, and that is literally their entire purpose for existing.”

nah boomer. its just petty. I earned mine all when they were introduced but im glad they did this. it’s an arbitrary reason to be mad and your anger won’t change anything. so have the day you deserve

It’s seriously like Shaman posts are entirely ignored. I see this question posed over and over and over…never even acknowledgement of it.

hear hear bro

I delete after every patch and re-assign talents, seems to fix a lot of bugs for me and my Hunter.

Summon Favorite Mount is still broke. Only summons ground mounts…

Is it intended for the Warband Currency Transfer to not allow transfers to characters with 0 earned currency?

Because if I take all my Radiant Echoes, put them on one toon, I cannot transfer them back to any characters that don’t have any.

SEEMS LIKE BETTER FORESIGHT IS REQUIRED HERE. Maybe, prevent characters from trading below 1 of any currency? Or open currency trade regardless of whether the receiving characters have any.


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Whatever you did on the Aug. 7th Hotfix. Items have not dropped like they used to. It feels impossible to get a single item. After 3 hours, I got 1 item. over 36 events and 9 bosses now.

Dungeons too. Might be lucky to see 1 loot per dungeon.

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The currency, like rep, is auto hidden if it detects you don’t have any or haven’t gotten any since the patch went live. It’s a stupid design that they haven’t fixed cause instead of admitting all these bugs they dig their heels in and call them features to prevent embarrassment or ridicule or something, IDK.

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Yeah, I can see the ‘RP as a game dev’ from a mile away. At some point you have to create a good game.

Y’all ever going to fix the broken shadowlands meta achievements?

Ember court-
The quests don’t appear in Bastion for these two guests
RSVP: Sika / Kleia and Pelagos

Master of Torment: “Avenge Me!” and “Rampage” are both bugged and unobtainable.

There are probably more, but these are the ones I’ve encountered in my Shadowlands toiling.
Are there any more others have encountered while chilling away at the meta achievement mount?

Still no fix on exalted reps resetting to neutral.

Would love a bit more communication on this issue.