The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

Give void elfs more customization

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Did this go into effect today or will it with restart on Tuesday? I still can’t use any of the Dalaran Defender gear at the creation catalyst

I have a sneaking suspicion that this is one of those things that isn’t applied retroactively and only works for new drops after the change went into effect.


just checked i had some saved up and nope can not upgrade them

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Yeah, decided to buy a new piece from the vendor, and had no issues. So it seems like it can not be pieces you got before the hotfix.

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Making the weekly quest account bound, even if it’s daily, is really problematic. I have an army of alts and I am using this event to gear them up. The first quest gives you a token chest that contains an ilvl 493 champion gear guranteed to suit the toon. With the quest being account bound now I can’t do this.

I understand not wanting an army of alts to funnel to the main; however, every alt having their own quest to gear themselves up seems like a legitimate thing that is now blocked.

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That’s bad design. It might seem more…immersive… but that is just a bad design. It should just have been 30 minutes from the word go.

That, or actually make the event take longer than 5 minutes to compete from the word go. The Onyxia one i was able to be a part of? Done in 4 minutes.

The only one that might take longer is Dragonblight, and that’s because the frog part is rng based.

I can’t tell if you’re trying to defend the position, so I’m not aiming any barbs at you.

All they had to do was this: first toon of the week gets a warbound chest / item.

All the others get Soulbound. Now you can’t funnel to a main. The item stays on the toon that gets it.

I get this was probably meant to slow down people from jumping from each event to event on multiple toons to not give you too many chores, and I do appreciate that part. But the events are freaking an hour and a half apart this week, and an hour apart next week. I can’t say that was good design.

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This is SOOO much better for Pre-patch, THANK YOU!

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I could’ve sworn the champion piece came from the first boss I looted when I was doing the event, not any of the quests.

It does. The poster you quoted is completely wrong. Each alt is still getting the chest with champion gear from that character’s first boss kill of the week.

Once you purchase the companions you will no longer have access to the quest :frowning:

Noticed that you can’t use setting enhancements for slots on the event necklaces. Is this intended?

Doubt it, but i also don’t think they give out the best stats, so unless you are the jewelcrafter, I wouldn’t spend the gold.

That’s a REALLY LONG list of ‘hot fixes’. Why didn’t you guys just do that from the start? Seems like it could have saved you a lot of bad publicity.

Regardless, I’m happy that you did something about this event. Maybe not everything we’d like, but at least it’s an improvement. Albeit a very small improvement but still an improvement.

300g is chump change at this point.

Dalaran Defender gear cannot be used in the Catalyst if it is put into the warband bank and equipped by another warband character.

Okay, but like, can we fix the lasher capstone talent for shadow, y’all know about it, it’s been broken since prepatch dropped.

um my dalaran gear


hotfix your game ideology

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