The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

There should be a known issues topic in the bug report forum.


worst patch ever.


blizzard app, wanted to update then after it did , can’t even login now :frowning:

What about leveling to 70 via chromie time? flavor text says you can but at 61 it just throws you out and straight into DF. Also from what i’ve heard leveling in DF is now overtuned cause of the chromie time thing.


Meanwhile… still need to pathfind to unlock the old flight system. Lovely.


I made a new Remix toon, and am only locked to Dragon/Skyriding. I tried switching, and it says that I haven’t learned the spell for switching yet. Anyone have any ideas why?

I also have a few lvl 70 remix toons and it’s the same thing. I’m locked to only Dragon/Skyriding. I really don’t want to be locked to only one type of riding.

All my BFA reps are slowly going from revered to neutral!!! why is this happening, i was 5 reps off 100 exalted reps. now ive lost all honorbou,d , talanjis, unshackled, vouldunai and zandalari??? and cant see any DF rep??? which were all max … help blizzard


please help! all my reps is going from revered to neutral!!! and support wont help

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It hasn’t been updated to account for stuff like enh shaman’s issues as well as the trading bug (granted i know they acknowledged it elsewhere).

After ~3 hours of farming NO, someone else in my group got the necklace I need on my rogue.

And they were on another realm so we could not trade it even though they wanted to give it.

My dude, you are not going to get answers to your issues here, especially when directed at a CM, and even more especially when you write a dramatic novel. Go open a support ticket.

Yo I know the pre-fix enh tree has now been deemed “working as intended” (lmao)

but as meh as it is to play in its current state I assume you don’t plan to let enh go the entire month without getting a second charge on EB back?

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So it’s sounds like you guys are still locking steady flying in old content as well, just admit it, you’re all salty about Steady Flying having to remain in the game and you will do anything to try and dissuade people from using it.


All the Sharks are still missing from Azeroth; aren’t they?

This new age of Dev is horrible. The amount of work we did to unlock it was all for not. So much for a sense of accomplishment when they hand you everything willy nilly.

Tickets dont help, Devs have one agenda and it’s to not listen to their customers and only do what they want to do. Yeah they have a right to do so, but we also have a right to take our 14.99 a month and put into a game where the devs actually listen to the the client base.


I’m with you, if by Season 1 nothing changes I’ll be giving LotRO my subscription.

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Malicia seems to have forgotten again…


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They need to treat both forms of flight the same. I feel like removing Ion as lead Dev and putting him back a raid designer would help. He has such an ego and he instills it in all the other Devs to the point where they believe they know better and that everyone must play their way or it’s wrong.


Hotfix this: Options - system graphics - Use UI Scale now changes load in page - warband campfire page to that of in game settings. So, a 95% scale makes the campfire page look ridiculous and difficult to see many toons as everything is so large. This wasn’t the way it was back before patch so please consider changing it back or at least a toggle in order to not have the external game changed by in game settings.

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The priority here is hilarious