The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

You mean the 3% vers?

Imagine if they just had scrolls again instead.

A nerf like this accomplishes nothing in terms of Balance, when 90% of your dungeons are design to keep Melees away from the Target they are supposed to hit, you do understand this right?


Agreed. Hunter’s Mark is only 1% on ONE target.

All offensive raid buffs should be 1%.

Nerfed Demon Hunters and Mages buffs when already performing sub par compared to rest of the classes. So already going to have issues getting in mythics and raids. Can tell thier devs are absent from any decisions or ate paint chips as a child.

So when raid comes around are you going to buff all of the casters by ~5% because they’re for some reason suddenly not doing damage, and then have DH be left with just its own nerf?

Raid buffs in m+ are an issue that effects group comp, sure, but they are miniscule in comparison to dungeon and mechanic design. Until you address that, you will not see a shift from caster comps without an extremely unhealthy difference in tuning/survivability. If you removed raid buffs entirely from m+ (which would be much better than this btw) what would the comp be? It would still be a caster comp in most seasons, because raid buffs aren’t the main issue.

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This is completely fine and a good change.

You explicitly say Chaos Brand and Arcane Intellect are strong specifically in non-raid group content, but straight ahead nerf them globally impacting their raid performance.

How come the reasoning never aligns with the hotfix? Can devs be lazier to apply a hotfix? What are devs even thinking about when typing that line of note?

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How will this reduce the need for a priest at all? Fort is still the same, mass dispel is still huge (especially on devour weeks since feedback on that has been ignored).

How will this reduce the need for an aug at all?

How will this make it more viable to play melee in an expansion full of mechanics that are more punishing for groups with melee dps than groups with ranged?

How will this make it more appealing to play melee in an expansion full of mechanics that are more punishing for groups with melee dps than groups with ranged?

Since these are flat nerfs to all specs of both DH and Mage purely for dungeon group comp reasons, will there be buffs to those classes to compensate for the damage loss, or does a melee have to have itself nerfed just because casters are broken? Keep in mind that no spec of dh was part of god comp in s2, so chaos brand wasnt the issue then.

Everyone who deals spell damage*

Blizzard, tell me you’re too stubborn to buff Feral and Outlaw without telling me.

Still nothing about fixing guild bank or war bank items going missing? This does not bode well for those features being addressed prior to launch.

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WHERE are the warlock fixes??? Our healthstones disappear from our bags, its green when it should be red as talented into it, our pets stand there for 6 seconds before reacting to an attack or a command… How many weeks or months until these two problems are addressed?

They don’t listen, they won’t listen. If this were a table top pen and paper D&D game, no one would play this with these guys acting as the dungeon master.

Hey Blizz. I’m going to teach you something.

If you want to nerf the caster meta, how about you nerf CASTERS?

Do you know that over half of the melee roster does magic damage? Do you know that by nerfing Chaos Brand in general you’re also nerfing DH (a melee) utility?

Suggested change: “Chaos Brand increases damage by 3% if your class is X”

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Lets be real, the issue is Aug. It’s broken the game. Just delete that garbage spec and be done with it.

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They did that in TWW by making the class attached to it complete trash.

I am suprised how little I care about these nerfs. With how pathetic the beta cycle for DH has been I have transcended anger and reached apathy.

No it won’t and it just further punishes players who don’t raid by nerfing their own utility. If these raid buffs are such a problem area for you simply disable them altogether while in raid instances and quit making it a pain point for solo players! This is especially tone deaf given the whole pivot to solo players and all the lip service of “play your own way” with more content for everyone, delves, etc. Not everything in WoW revolves around raiding and you can’t balance the entire game around it!


This is great, I mean that. Blizzard devs made the game stupid by implementing all the dumb changes and political correctness, word police, banning veteran players I mean those actually playing from earlier times, not “since mists”, due to cry babies.
They made the game what every single one of you, wanted it to be. You are safe now from having to try.
Let them keep the game somewhat competitive and quit crying about everything. Sooner or later you’re going to learn you can’t have everything the way you want it to be. Let the devs have some independent agency to do their job which is developed. And make a competitive game.


could we get a hot fix to the Mage Tower Challenge scaling issue

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