The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

May as well just remove all raid buffs at this point.

This is what happens when a non-gaming corporation, ie: Microsoft, takes over a beloved 20 year old game. They don’t have a clue and fired all the people that did have a clue.

August 20, 2024


  • Fixed several basic Achievements that were unintentionally missing achievement points.
  • Updated several Achievements that were improperly showing as unlearned in Feats of Strength.


  • Shaman
    • Resolved an issue causing talent loadout strings to fail to import for Shamans.


  • Humans that complete “Ally of the Netherwing” can now continue aiding the Netherwing.

Is this about Keystone Master (not the S4 one but the generic one) still requiring a +15 key instead of a +5?
It made legion appearances 100x harder to acquire.

Wait a second. You are saying they can’t balance a raid buff, which exists specifically to guarantee a class a spot in a raid, because “Not everything in WoW revolves around raiding”?

But certainly raid buffs, and their balance, should revolve around raiding, right?

It’s not a “raid” buff. It’s a buff, period. It can be applied anywhere in the game. Wth kinda nonsense take is that!??

And I even said that if they think it’s a problem specific to raiding then they can just disable or nerf buffs when in a raid instance. The technology for that has existed for over a decade now and is constantly applied in PvP instances.

They’re raid buffs. They exist to ensure the class is included in a 20 man raid. That’s it.

Still no guild or war bank fixes?

You mean the people that made WoD and SL?

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August 22, 2024


  • Death Knight

    • Frost
      • Fixed an issue causing Razorice to not persist on the target applied via Arctic Assault when the Death Knight is not talented into Glacial Advance.
    • Unholy
      • Fixed an issue where the ghoul could fail to be resummoned upon dismounting.
  • Hunter

    • Survival
      • Harpoon now pulls you to the edge of a target’s hitbox (was the center).
  • Rogue

    • Fixed an issue that could remove the Rogue from Stealth if Vanish duration expired while Subterfuge effect was active.
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent Dispatch from triggering in intended circumstances with Crackshot talented.
    • Assassination
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Deathmark’s bleed damage from benefitting from Mastery: Potent Assassin
  • Shaman

  • Ice and Fire now affects Primordial Wave damage.

  • Improved Flametongue Weapon now affects Primordial Wave damage.

  • Nature’s Fury now affects Primordial Wave damage.

  • Warrior

    • Arms
      • Mortal Strikes from Unhinged will no longer strike additional targets while Sweeping Strikes is active.
    • Fury
      • Bloodthirsts from Unhinged will no longer strike additional targets nor consume stacks of Whirlwind while Whirlwind is active.

Dungeons and Raids

  • All dungeon enemy damage reduced by 7% in Mythic and Mythic+ difficulties.
  • All dungeon enemy health increased by 10% in Heroic difficulties.
  • The Tyrannical affix health increase on bosses reduced by 5%.
  • Reduced the health and damage of all Battle For Azeroth raid bosses by approximately 40%.
  • Reduced the health and damage of Shadowlands raid bosses by approximately 65%.

Player versus Player

  • The maximum amount of Honor a player can accrue is lowered to 4000 for the duration of The War Within Early Access, and this amount will increase to 15000 with the end of Early Access.
  • Rogue
    • Shiv (Talent) damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 17%).
    • Echoing Reprimand (Talent) damage now reduced by 20% in PvP combat (was 30%).
    • Assassination
      • Envenom damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 4%).
      • Mutilate damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 4%).
      • Kingsbane (Talent) period damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 8%).
      • Kingsbane (Talent) initial damage now reduced by 20% in PvP combat (was 32%).
    • Outlaw
      • Dispatch damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was 20%).
      • Sinister Strike damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was 5%).
      • Mastery: Main Gauche damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was 5%).
      • Blade Rush (Talent) damage is no longer increased in PvP combat (was 5%).
      • Combat Stamina (Talent) now increases Stamina by 12% in PvP combat (was 15% / base 5%).
      • Ace Up Your Sleeve (Talent) effect no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 20%).
      • Crackshot (Talent) effect now reduced by 20% in PvP combat (was 33%).
    • Subtlety
      • Eviscerate damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 5%).
      • Shadowstrike damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was 8%).
      • Secret Technique (Talent) damage now reduced by 30% in PvP combat (was 40%).
      • Goremaw’s Bite (Talent) damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 10%).
      • Flagellation (Talent) effect no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 20%).
      • Perforated Veins (Talent) effect no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 20%).


  • All Dragonflight profession first craft experience bonuses no longer apply to player-characters at or above level 70.
  • All Artisan’s Acuity has been removed from the first-time crafters’ bonus of trainer-taught recipes in The War Within.
  • All Artisan’s Acuity has been removed from gathering journal discovery bonuses.
  • An additional 150 Artisan’s Acuity has been added to the one-time reagent bag players receive from the quest “Crafting to Order”.


  • Players can once again earn progress towards the achievement Back to the Depths! after completing “Summons from the Depths”.
  • The Mechashark X-Steam has had high octane fuel added to it so you can complete “A Goblin in Shark’s Clothing”.

Was our honor supposed to get wiped with the cap lowering? My entrire warband is at Zero x.x

Wait, WAIT.

You guys actually went in and readjusted BfA and SL raids after prepatch super-buffed them? No way! Huge props for that!

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Then delete shammy raid buff!

Any updates on item storage yet!?

sorry they took away yours too womp womp

August 23, 2024


  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Fixed an issue causing Void Tendrils from Idol of C’Thun to attack enemies not in combat with the Priest.


  • Brann should no longer sometimes get stuck flying his gryphadin into a wall.
  • Tak-Rethan Abyss
    • Fixed an issue where air bubbles created by rescuing the Preserved Niffen would not stick around.


  • Corrected an issue with the Theater Troupe Audience Approval rewards not being granted by the Theater Troupe event in The Proscenium.


  • Enchanting
    • Disabled Enchanting weekly quests that were unintentionally available for the first day of Early Access.
      • Developers’ notes: We’ve disabled those quests, and we’re increasing the Knowledge available to Enchanters who didn’t complete them, starting after the first weekly reset. The extra Knowledge will come from Knowledge point items sourced through Disenchanting and will leave all Enchanters on an even playing field. This extra Knowledge will become available after you have gathered your other weekly Enchanting Knowledge, which includes the weekly quest, Disenchanting Knowledge, and Knowledge obtained from treasures out in the world.


  • Fixed an issue causing players to be unable to see Faerin in order to pick up the quest "Blades of the Arathi”.
  • The quest items for “Leave No Stone Behind” are now properly lootable if the quest is abandoned and restarted.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent “Recompense” from being completed.
  • Witnessing the formation of the Severed Threads now provides the intended credit for the quest “Uniting Severed Threads”.
  • Players are no longer prevented from completing the “Harbinger” questline while on the War Within introduction.
  • Fixed a bug where Durzan could sometimes fail to reach his goal in “Thunderhead Butt”, preventing the quest from completing.
  • Speaker Brinthe should now be available as expected in The Archives for “Golgrin’s Reach”.

Are you going to apply this to the Bountiful Delves Keys too?

People who rushed to level 80 and rushed to unlock World Quests got an extra key from a quest that reset tonight.

Y’all literally said a few weeks ago that World Quests would be disabled until the reset after launch so that people didn’t feel rushed to 80, but then left them intact AND had a WQ reward an important thing that expired in 2 days after EA.

EDIT: Article about it for people who want a source:

And people who say it doesn’t matter, it’s one more piece of decent gear to start m0, M+, and Normal/Heroic Raids than people who didn’t rush. The entire point of Early Access was disabling all advantages. Even if it’s small in the long run, it’s still an advantage.


Loot table for the Blazikon boss in Darkflame Cleft needs to be double checked.

It’s not giving loot/gold to certain specs. Changing loot specs and rerunning reveals this.

Like a missing loot pile entirely. No gold or crests.
If I loot spec as guardian druid I get nothing, not even gold. If I loot spec as resto druid while still playing guardian it functions normally.

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Blazikon in Darkflame Cleft didn’t spawn for our group too! Tried to zone out/in but didn’t work.

Thanks to everyone who paid an extra $40 to help Blizzard work out all these kinks so that things work better Monday evening when I start in.

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