The War Within Hotfixes - August 23

Welp looks like pwarr stonks just went up

Just get rid of raid buffs at this point. Otherwise reconsider this nonsense.


You forget to also swap caster heavy with melee heavy and nerf the monk and warrior buffs too…. Does this not go both ways ?


so melee expac now huh?

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You need to change the design of dungeons being anti melee not nerf DH and Mage buff.


This change is extremely short-sighted and doesn’t actually address what the problem with the meta-defining “god comp” is for the past two and a half seasons.

Almost all of these raid buffs have existed in harmony with each other in previous seasons of M+ in very diverse metas. Chaos Brand and Arcane Intellect were completely fine in seasons past. No one felt like they needed those two raid buffs all the time every single season.

The one single thing that was different and birthed a “god comp” starting in 10.1.5 is Aug evoker. And you have done everything under the sun other than stop Aug evokers from buffing tanks and healers.

That is the key fundamental issue and the one thing you must fix if you want to address the rigidity of a prevailing meta. The change to a 15sec death timer further doubles down on a need for an Aug evoker in your push group always and forever. It doesn’t matter if Aug is doing 10% less damage than the next DPS if your group wipes because you chose to forgo bring an Aug, and you eat 75 seconds on the timer, on top of all the other punishments of dying.

I can understand making Chaos Brand match the discrepancy of magic vs physical damage across specs relative to Mystic Touch. But there is no reason that Arcane Intellect specifically needs to be nerfed relative to other raid buffs like Battle Shout, Power Word: Fortitude, and Mark of the Wild.

Morgan Day recently said Arcane Intellect is strong because it does something in addition to buffing DPS: it also buffs the healer. Guess what Battle Shout and Mark of the Wild do.

This is what you need to do if you want to returnt to the bountiful pre-Aug landscape:

  • Stop Ebon Might applying to tanks and healers

  • Revert Arcane Intellect nerf, or just make all raid buffs apply at 60% effectiveness in M+


I predict a rash of tuning and reworks in season 2.

At this point, it just kinda seems like Blizzard is throwing spaghetti at a wall, seeing what sticks, then ordering out anyway.

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God you guys ruin everything you touch.

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This is shortsighted and a bandaid fix to not being able to fix the root cause of the problem. You have 3 specs with high synergy enabled by Augmentation (Int-scaling support spec btw) resulting in a meta that happens to be 3 casters. It’s not ALL casters. Where are the boomkins/locks/shamans etc in this god comp meta? If you want to get rid of all raid buffs that’s fine ( like legion) but this is a scuffed way of saying you don’t understand your own game.

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Im guessing the expected numbers came out and #timeplayed came up short? Because this doesnt just affect groups.

you guys forgot to nerf the best raid buff aka mark of the wild

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sooo how about those melee classes that do spell damage?

Extremely bad game design. Your encounter design team provides melee unfriendly encounters because THEY design it that way and you punish casters instead of telling your encounter design team to REDESIGN AND BE BETTER AT THEIR JOBS.

Convinced a hamster runs this company now. Your devs are clueless. They are unskilled and can’t even fix bugs that have been plaguing certain classes for 3 expansions.


Buff Dark Ranger to be as broken as Fury, WW, Frost Mage, Ret Pal, and especially Feral and ele sham

look at retail. they let ALOT of bugs in the main game. gone are the days of these guys putting out a complete product with quality. they’ve demonstrated that numerous times now

This isn’t far enough.

These should have been nerfed down to 1%, just like the Hunter raid buff, along with every other Raid buff.

MotW, Fort, Shout, Mystic touch, Devo etc would all still guarantee a spot in a 20 man at 1%.

So when will all of the other raid buffs be nerfed to make this fair?

Aug is the problem, not demon hunter and not mage ya’ll nerfed every ranged spec in the game and boomkin and shadow priest being no where near the top for raid, as well as nerfing a few melee spec WHY? The main problem with M+ and Raid is AUG but you guys refuse to listen to us. This class has proven to be too hard to maintain its going into another tier where you have to force slot 2-3 of them in raid and force slot 1 into high m+ if you will not delete it as you should then nerf it to be a niche as most classes are I hate aug so much it forced boot my shadow priest raid spot because it’s so overpowered.

revert this nerf and Kill aug evoker


And Chain Lightnings Cap as well!

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I think making it so there aren’t a gajillion void zones in melee every 2 seconds in M+ would be way more effective at balancing caster heavy vs melee heavy groups.