The War Within early access

Hi All. I have bought the expansion and am trying to work out if I have early access & can see no way to tell on my account. Or is it that all pre-purchases get early access? Just trying to work out if I need to upgrade it or not. TIA.

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Only the epic edition has early access.


Yeah cool. Thats what I bought so hopefully it works out. I thought it might show on my account somewhere, ATM all I can see is a record that I purchased WWI epic.

Then you have it. No need to make up worries.

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use the ‘game version’ arrow on the client

You’ve got it then.

You can check your transaction history on your account. If it reads Epic Edition, you’re good to go.

Early access should be really exciting. It is basically the last round of testing for any software product before everyone else gets a shot at the final round of bugs.

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epic edition gives you 3 days of early access?!

Anyone else but me think that it isn’t a whole lot of time?

I mean your paying top dollar

Well they can’t let people play any earlier because that is when they feel confident enough in the software to release it. So if you want a longer “early access” time, that would mean not letting others play until later.

So what advantage is it to Blizzard or the rest of us, to delay the release of the expansion?

I didn’t pay for just early access. As a matter of fact, I don’t even care about early access.

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I’m gonna be honest.
It’s not early access, you’re actually playing the game on launch day.
Everyone else who didn’t cough up the extra money has to play later.

Blizzard has done enough focus studies to understand that being able to play a game sooner and experience things first is a very alluring feeling. The are big on the FOMO.


Doesnt show in my transaction history in Last thing there is my annual subscription in January.

I was too tired to read this thread.

Epic Edition gives you a few dys extra in advantage to play sooner then the rest of the players.

potentially lowering server loads on day 1

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I bought the Epic for the perks, the 3 day early access is mostly meaningless to me. Releases are weekdays and I work, so at best I’d get a few hours of play before it is open to everyone.

Never having gotten into a beta, that was far more interesting to me. It gives me an idea of how the classes may play out and I actually think bug reporting is a fine thing.

There are a lot of bugs.

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Calling the 3 days where nearly everything is locked

Is the most GD forums thing I have ever seen.


It is but not many care enough not to buy it to stop it , they console themselves saying "early access " mean “no access” cause you would inqueue and dealing with bugs :crazy_face:

It’s the natural selection edition. Only the durrs buy it.