The War Within Development Feedback: Priest

Alpha forum feedback for Priest.

This is what has been said regarding Archon…

Not sure how I feel about that. Guess we shall find out soon enough.


Already more hyped just from that than I am about oracle lol. I like halo.


Surely it can’t be worse than oracle right?…right?

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What is rattling around in my mind is the fact that we now have the core spell for all 3 Hero Path talents and they each have the same direction in that they all require the activation spell to be on a decently long cooldown regardless of your spec.

  • Oracle = New ability with a 1 minute cooldown at base.
  • Voidweaver = Core ability in Mind Blast for Discipline and Talent ability in Void Torrent for Shadow that each have a decently long cooldown to them.
  • Archon = Halo with its decently long cooldown.

So what, they couldn’t come up with a more consistent spell use to trigger your new core Hero Talent (keystone)?

Maybe it’s just me but a lot of the other class hero talents I’ve seen and liked were more based on your common rotational spells and less on a new or long cooldown spell.

I won’t bash it too much before I see what they cooked up, but I am very wary based on what I’ve seen from the rest and what we have heard this far.


Lol, I guess I was right, and Cascade is coming back as Archon’s ability.

We already saw in datamining that cascade exists in some form. It replacing Halo as Archon’s ability is quite likely.

Wait so what is your theory?

That Halo will move into Archon Tree proper and Cascade will then take it’s place in the class tree as a choice with Divine Star?

No, Halo will be in the class tree (with divine star), but that it’s likely that in archon’s nodes we get ‘replace halo/dstar with cascade’

There’s a datamined passive that makes Halo procs cascade on the targets. Speculation says that’s an Archon talent.

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As a holy priest I am ok with Holy as I already spec it. Not exciting but fine and way better than the mess that is Oracle and the rotating cast of underwhelming buffs that are totally not worth the micro to keep track of.

I was very sad to read that. I have literally never specced into Halo at any point in the game’s history, while Divine Star has been one of my favorite priest spells of all time ever since its introduction in MoP.

This announcement is currently the most convincing argument presented to me for playing Oracle.

Not that it would actually be enough to make me play that empty pit of a spec, but it’s more convincing than anything I’ve seen from the Oracle tree itself.

Oh for sure. I’m wary too but trying to be somewhat optimistic I guess? Been hard with what we’ve seen but trying still haha. Yea halo cd isn’t the shortest sadly. Maybe we will have archon this week or hopefully soon.

With Cascade being datamined my guess is its going to replace Halo for Archon. We also need to see what our talent tree is going to look like because Holy/Disc will end up getting overhauled.

Holy plays completely differently than how it did in BFA, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight. Expect the same come next expansion.

Very, very sad if we have to take Halo for a tree. Ideally we shouldn’t have to take any talent to enable a tree, but I personally just do not like Halo specifically.

Can we just get that Void spec and let Shadow be its own spec instead of continuing to do both poorly?

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If cascade does replace halo, maybe some CDR will be baked into the hero tree for it.

Also curious if they add a dmg to healing component for something for holy like they did for resto druids.

Really want to see this tree asap.

What is cascade?

Really old clip, but this is the jist of what Cascade does:

It’s way better than Divine Star / Halo.

ill check it out! thanks!

that looks awesome! looks way better than halo/star

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It’s better than Halo / Divine Star because it keeps bouncing until it finishes all its charges which makes it function better in smaller raid sizes. Divine Star requires the raid to be completely stacked in one spot to min-max it and Halo has a 45s cd.

The version on the alpha that was datamined has a 25s cd.

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nice! itll be sweet to try it for the first time! did they give a reason why the removed it in the first place?

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