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Hunter has been abandoned and ion quit playing shaman it seems.


…I see Shaman’s in M+ Streams all the time…so that seems like an exaggeration. As for the rest I will take your word for it as again I have fun on my Shaman, and haven’t really experienced any of these problems. Hopefully you do get whatever changes you’re hoping for though. Thank you for taking the time to answer.

RIP Hunters.


They abandoned the hunter class so maybe next expansion like always.


you nailed it.

to add on: the needless bloat of abilities shaman has make them unbeable. To take your party enhancing buff as Enhance shaman, you have to spend a talent point both in Windfury Toem and Totemic projection, taking up 2 buttons on your already insanely bloated action bars while everybody else gets to just have their buff be there and not have to do anything else to ensure it’s there.

there is just so many needless hoops to jump through to play shaman.

Edit: imagine if they did stuff like just took the totemic recall talent out entirely, and gave shamans a talent that straight up gave them 2 charges on their totems, just like they did to DH. Doubt they’d ever recieve that kind of love.

No you don’t. Both DPS specs for shamans combined are lower than 2% representation in keys between 5-9 and just get lower as you go up. Resto shaman makes it to 3% in the same range.


Yup the abandoned the class rip.

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Yeah my excitement turned sour once I realized this was the end of significant class changes.

11.0.5 Copium!


Man this again bro they abandoned the class…

Look, I am fine with having a nice calm discussion. But please do not come at me and tell me what I do or do not see in streams I am watching. I get you’re frustrated but I know what I see when I watch streams. Now. Let’s end this on a friendly note. Have a good day.



You called me a liar citing some useless anecdotal evidence then get mad when I provide actual stats. Ok then.


lol because your streams are evidence of what exactly?

you literally got the hard undeniable stats thrown in your face that shaman is the most underplayed DPS spec/class in the game and you think what you view on your streams discredit that. What a delusional bubble to live in.

I never once claimed the numbers were high but I do see them there and you claimed

I am not saying they are popular but they do get in with some groups.

There’s more to the game than M+ And Again as I said above I never said their numbers were High. Not once. Have a great day, the both of you.


Spoiler: The final bad guy in the next xpac is called “IN” - thus the name, The War with IN", A villain so evil, he forces High Elves to join the alliance but renames them “Wood Elves” so they become boring and nobody cares.


Bethesda would like to have a word with you XD

I feel attacked. Wood Elves are my go-to when available.


Isn’t this current age way to release a game completely unfinished and broken then fix in half way through the game?

They did it already with Diablo 4… To think blizz use to be known for not releasing until it is ready and polished.

Lol that blizzards been dead and reburied countless times. To think it wouldn’t be any different by now is on us for being in the past thinking this is the blizzard that gives a crap about the players.

We’re just here to consume and use it to cope with reality at this point.


Oof lol.

Can you elaborate on this? I am an old man that just doesnt get this. What program do you use? Or is it a phone app? or a URL? Like plz explain like I am a 4 year old…

I saw a hunter surv streamer yesterday, so hunter surv is very good and doesn’t need any changes