The War Within Beta Test Now Live!

YES! We’re doing it baby! wooooooooooooooooo

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Can someone remind me, if i bought the top-price pre-order, do i get beta access?


IIRC, beta is up until the expansion goes live.

Prepatch will probably come out the Tuesday following the end of ReMoP. ReMoP ends Monday, August 19th, PrePatch is probably Tuesday, August 20th.

Yes, you do get beta access. Sounds like it’ll be immediately upon beta going live.


Does “provide feedback” include a dev making an appearance in the Shaman forums?


Prepatch will probably come out the Tuesday following the end of ReMoP. ReMoP ends Monday, August 19th, PrePatch is probably Tuesday, August 20th.

That would mean that the war within beta would last only 76 days and be the shortest beta in history for any wow expansion, over 44% shorter of a beta compared with the war within which lasted 137 days. I know Metzen said they were looking to get the content to us faster but I really don’t see that happening, do you?


in other words you will we will report problems with the game but you wont fix anything


Alpha testing isn’t usually as open as we’ve seen with TWW.

Prepatch is also just laying the ground work, we may get it a month (or more) before the expansion actually goes live. They’re probably going to need some time between prepatch and the launch date to settle any issues that will likely arise with the implementation of Warbands. Warbands are a fundamental change to the code and I will be very surprised if they launch with no issue.

I don’t think we’ll see everything we want out of Hero Talents, and I imagine we’ll see reworks throughout the expansion like we saw in Dragonflight.

I’m not really concerned at all about the length of the beta. They’re the professionals, if they flop it then we’ll return the disservice by cancelling our subs.

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Lets be honest, will a longer beta bring in more changes?

I can see them changing a couple of things here and there but I highly doubt that they will make big changes to the systems that they implemented.

Just like how everyone complained about energy conduits in Shadowlands, and they didn’t change it until like 2 seasons in.

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I know you all have deadlines you have to meet and hoops you have to jump, but seriously the Hunter class needs some serious TLC. Just give us an update on where things are instead of nothing but radio silence.


So that’s it then, shamans get absolutely nothing in TWW. Great job.


Can I ask, and I am being serious, what is it you want for Shamans? I enjoy my shaman a great deal. I don’t really play high end content. But Shaman feels fun. So I am genuinely curious what changes you are hoping they make.

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So “beta” = alpha these days…

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Curious as well to what exactly the ‘no changes to shaman, gg’ people are looking for.
Also enjoy Shaman as is, and looking forward to playing to Stormbringer.


At some point some of you guys have to take some personal responsibility for change. If people keep playing warriors and shamans, nothing is going to change. If you guys just quit those characters en masse, I think they might actually do something about it.

That’s a neat picture. Who is the High Elf in the center?

They abandoned the hunter class it seems it’s sad really shaman eh who knows.

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I’m curious about Totemic for my Enhancement Shammy.

At this stage blizzard just be offering you which new level 80 class you want in return for deleting the shaman class.

Better utility, better defensives, and uncapped AoE. Neither shaman DPS spec gets brought to M+ because they’re squishy, lack meaningful utility and can’t AoE properly on large pulls.

Those are the core issues.

There are rotational issues with both the storm Enhancement and fire Elemental builds that result in them both being excessively spammy of a single ability, often with little regard for resources because spenders are just too weak.

Stormbringer talents for elemental don’t accomplish the premise since elementals base rotation only includes 1 lightning spell for ST and the hero talents do nothing to change that. Tempest which is an “upgraded” Lightning Bolt does not interact with any Lightning Bolt talents, which makes it worse than Lightning Bolt.

Totemic for enhancement is a mess because it’s trying to satisfy 2 competing builds at the same time so it ends up with dead talents for both builds.

Farseer for elemental is just a continuation of the current gameplay of spam Lava Burst and little else.

There’s a lot more, people on the shaman forums have been giving feedback for months, but apparently it was just uselessly screaming into a void as shaman is the only class to not get a single change to it’s class or spec trees in alpha.


Seems too soon, maybe once all hero talent nodes work and shaman, rogue and hunter have had some tree changes?