The War Within: A Request

Alright look, Dragonflight did a lot of things wrong. It did some things right too, but it did a lot of things wrong.

But by far the most egregious error of Dragonflight (and I’m half-meme’ing) is the loss of Call to Arms on the login screen. It’s there for like, 5 seconds, and then gone. War Within must correct this grievous error. We need a remix of Call to Arms. Done correctly. With the drop and everything. Not some 5 second homage. It’s still Warcraft, dang it.


There are people with their music turned on?



I admit. When a new login screen comes, I stare at it for a couple minutes just to see the loop, and I soak it all in. Like the delicious pasta I just had.


Can’t imagine playing games with parts of the sound muted. Such weird behavior IMO.

Like, yeah, turn it way down so I can hear my voice chat and such, but it’s still on.


Was gonna say, y’all don’t listen to FFXIV music or something while raiding/M+'ing?

I mean, I’ve played with WoW muted since… probably Legion?

I’d rather just bop to some beats while doing my stuff.

For me, while healing, I cant have anything else going.

I will get distracted, mistime something, not have an ability ready, etc.

WoW’s sounds keep me in the moment and focused. But hey, everyone is different.


Hehe… when I’m healing is when I have my loudest and fastest music going. When I was actually trying to heal keys, something like one of the few actual 210-bpm songs I listen to was going constantly.

WoW’s sounds are honestly… I can play with them on? They just don’t do much for me, I guess. Must be from being unable to play with sound on for a couple of years when I was a kid due to parents on grave shifts and all that fun stuff during my summers, lol.

I’ve played this game for many, many years. A couple years back I decided, you know, I’ve heard pretty much enough of it, I can fill it in for myself. So I muted it.

I still turn sound back on for new content sometimes, or when I make a new character and I want to immerse in the world for a bit.

At most I can listen to something instrumental. Classical, etc. Nothing with words.

Because if its a song I like, I will start singing it. if I start singing it I will start reminiscing about it.

Then suddenly I havent prepped cloudburst totem for a large AE coming up.

The ambient WoW music doesnt do anything for me, but the combat sound effects do. Especially this week with afflicted.

I am one of the people who has appreciated the log in music and its variations with expansions for many years now and will second the OP’s request.

I don’t know what this thread is about. :eyes:

So ever since the original Warcraft login screens, there was a theme that was present. It’s called Call to Arms.

It’s most present in login screens which had the Dark Portal present. Cataclysm was a notable step away from it. Mists had more of it. Warlords had a lot of it. BFA had a lot of it. Etc.

Dragonflight borderline eliminates all of that main Warcrafty theme though, and it made me sad. So I’m hoping War Within will bring it back with a remixed version like other expansions did.

Edit: it jumps to MoP right away for some reason. Might wanna scroll through from the beginning.


Oh… I get ya now. Thanks!

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Pretty sure it just remembers your watched progress. It started at 0 for me.

Oh word. I thought it was because of the link. Neat!

i have literally no idea what you are even talking about here…completely serious.

“A Call to Arms” is a song that Blizzard has used for years across multiple Warcraft games (including the RTS and Hearthstone). I assume a part of it typically makes it into the main menu music but I don’t pay attention that much. They linked a video of them a few posts up if you wanna check.

i never play with sound on, so never even heard it. been playing since tbc

I could never do that. The sounds of the world give so many visual cues of what’s going on around you. Before add-ons it was sometimes very helpful to know what raid bosses where about to do. In the current game if it wasn’t for the warning of when my health hits a certain point I would splat if it wasn’t for some self-heals. Sorry just don’t always trust healers who get tunnel focused.

I always turn the music off , it adds nothing to the game and distracts from teh important things like sound queues and voice dialogue. Most of teh time I dont even have my headset on so I play with no sound . Its only during raids and new main story quests that I have them on