The War Within: A Request

Just enlarge your health bar with the new UI and bring it down a bit so it’s easier to see when in combat.

I played with sound on for about five minutes, got annoyed by all the swords clanging and never turned it on again.

I never had a problem noticing visual cues for stuff without sound

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Will have to try this. I normally don’t keep my personal resource up on my character as I use Spartan UI. So, the sound going off for my health being low is helpful.

Aye, I learned to play long before add-ons where even a thought. When in raids you had relied on what the visual and sound cues in order to know what was going on. Having your raid leader explain everything in chat and then people using watches to know when the next phase would happen and calling out in chat what the next person was supposed to do as a healer are good old times.

Even ignoring fight mechanics, I just feel weird doing my rotation without sounds. When there’s no sound of my spells connecting it throws me off tbh.

I keep the music on in all zones, except for the Blood Elf start area. That slow strumming bass depresses the hell out of me.