The Vulpera, faction perspective, and subtext

I mean, thats why i said results. From what we know -so far- the horde will rediscover their honor (ugh) and help the vulpera on their time of need simply bc its the right thing to do or whatever the call.

IF things play out that way then not many additional vulpera will die. Mind you, the emotional scars will always be there but thats besides the point.

On the other hand, the only reason we KNOW the nelves will be fine is due to the pop number magic that blizz uses to keep the orcs, draenei, belves etc afloat- if Warcraft ran on logic instead of rule of cool then its GOODBYE JOJO for them. Sylvanas herself said her actions would change nelves forever simply bc of the sheer number killed and HypocriteFang got ptsd nam/shattrah flashbacks to just show much the metaphorical mustache was being twirled


That’s a good point. The Alliance actively destroyed the caravans of the Vulpera. They not only took the lives of the slain, but destroyed the way of life of any survivors.

The Horde champion helped free Nisha, and the Horde is helping them survive by protecting settlements, clearing out threats, and helping random Vulpera in need throughout the desert, as well as aiding them with commerce and gold.

The Alliance then massacres the Vulpera for it.

As far as the genocide discussion, I don’t know if Teldrassil qualifies. The narrative has Anduin and Astari reflect on it as a genocide, but that is just the opinion of biased characters. Not a separate narrative point. I don’t see the objective narrative stating Teldrassil was a genocide. I only see it in the reflections of Alliance characters. I don’t take Anduin’s point of view on things as gospel narrative truths - merely the narrative explaining his opinion. He is not omniscient; he had to ask Sylvanas what happened on the Broken Shore.

So, I see the use of the word “genocide” in Astari and Anduin’s mind as their opinion, and nothing more. Definitely not some objective lore point.

As far as a Forum argument: I wouldn’t jump to calling Teldrassil or the massacre of Vulpera genocides. They may or may not be - but I would use other words for such acts of warfare in the setting of Warcraft.

However, if Teldrassil is a genocide, by that measure, we have the Alliance Genocide of Vulpera in Voldun as a rampant act of genocide committed to a race that is not even currently in the Horde.

The Alliance posters seem to bemoan genocide simply because their faction does not do it as well as the Horde.

I was happy to see Kiro at Rastakhan’s funeral. He expresses understanding of the Faction war, and he thinks the Alliance has gone too far.

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I think the problem I have with that is that genocide isn’t very results oriented as a term or as a war crime. A unsuccesful attempt to do something that would kill a large chunk of one culture is still absolutely an attempt to do something that would kill a large chunk of said culture. If the Vulpera bounce back with the aid of the Horde it still counts.

There’s also some questionable quotes by the Despoilers themselves: At one point they state that the Vulpera are being held hostage and unless we give up the supplies they won’t let the Vulpera go, which would be abducting a group of people to use as a bargaining chip in a war. When confronted one states ‘The Vulpera should of kept their noses clean’ as though whats happening to them right now is a just punishment for doing pretty much what they have always done, trade with people.

These things indicate a level of hate towards the Vulpera, one that seems pretty unwarrented. Sure they might be disobeying orders, but their C.O doesn’t seem to be stopping them from engaging in some pretty malicious behavior.


This is the legal definition I found : “A coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves”.

The caravans and Teldrassil itself could be interpreted as these “foundations of life” but in both case the aim of Sylvnas/ the Despoilers is not to annihilate these people. Sure the result is somewhat pretty close but aiming to destroy a people is a lot more malicious.

I will give two examples of non-genocide war crimes that look a lot like this situation, one in game and one in the real world:

  • Brennadam: As I said before, the Horde there is killing everybody, torturing them destroying their homes and their livehood. It’s still not a genocide because of the aim.
  • Any type of bombardment: when the US bombed French towns in order to cripple Germany it pretty much destroyed entire towns and killed a lot of innocents and even allied of the US. It’s still not a genocide.

The Vulpera and Night Elfs are in the same situations they are victims of war crimes and casualties of war. They are not hated as a people by an ennemy who seeks to do everything to annihilate their existence but also their culture, their history etc…


I agree with pretty much everything you just said at least in the spirit of why you believe this to be true, and that’s part of why I find this conversation difficult to have and why I hesitated to post this. Because there’s not a good way to say someone may of participated in an act of genocide, or that if they didn’t something that happened to them with a lot of emotional significance(Like Darnassus.) would no longer count as the thing they say it does.

It’s almost hyperbolic to do that on it’s face, a strawman if you would, but it’s something that(unfortunately.) because of the severity of the story Blizzard has chosen to tell should be discussed. I personally classify it as such under Democide in the same way I do Darnassus, but I don’t begrudge anyone else for having a different perspective.

Because largely this comes down to how you value intent, which is something our legal system will always struggle to unravel because there are a lot of people who feel only results matter and a lot of people who feel what you hold in your heart is what matters.

In a way I think that the best we can do with the term is try not to immediately associate the other people with National Socialists just because we feel the G word is applicable or not with a situation, and that will let us argue from a more objective standpoint.


Not only HypocriteFang was instantly reminded of his first genocide, a ton of them died and (if you want to get into the more nuanced defenitions of it) their culture will be irrevocably changed much like the vuperas’ will be.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, God calls it a duck… it’s probably a duck.

Welp, it seems we have reached an impasse here. I dont think we can get anywere if dont agree what genocide is in the first place. You’ve gone at length about your personal experiences/culture/history/etc here and im guessing its due to that that you consider it a G-word if the culture but not necessarily the people dies out

On my end due to my own personal experiences/culture/history/etc I use the simpler defenition of “if most of them died then its a G-word”. Its kind of like “we dont have a geneva convention on azeroth so who knows what even is a warcrime” type of deal.

I dont know why you and Aurirel (who removed her post but thats neither here nor there) and others always bring up this.

As much as Anduin would like to pretend otherwise, this is a no quarters given all out war. But yes, the irony that the Alliance leadership its pretty much “Hippies + Tyrande” while the lower echelons are slowly turning into Rogers is not lost on me.

I mean, why should random Alliance middlemen care about the morality of going all out against the horde or collateral damage when they are fighting for their very survival (and/or their afterlives, if they’re human since thats Sylvanas endgame)? The Horde certainly doesnt. Its only natural that the bloodier the war gets the faster inhibitions go out the window.

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I mean yes, destroying the culture would also count as genocide, but i’m pretty comfortable saying the Vulpera themselves would also probably die without help from the Horde or the Sethrak. I don’t object so much to the difference between culture and people, so much as I object to the idea that if you do something that in the end accomplishes the goal of killing people then you should still be charged of that crime. The Vulpera at this point are at the mercy of their allies, if for whatever reason those allies don’t provide they would die.

As should’s, would’s, do’s and don’ts, generally speaking soldiers tend to become numb and callous as war goes on and as they lose friends. Yet no matter how many friends and family you lose, if you choose to shoot a child in revenge? Ya still shot a child and should be charged as such, that’s just the nature of free will.

And freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.

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That is your judgement to make. Some posters like to pretend what they find probable must be the case.

There was disagreement then, in those threads you linked, as there is now.

And some posters have their own definitions for words. Which makes broaching the topic an endeavor.

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I would like to say that I did ask specifically that this remain respectful precisely because I knew this would be something of a hot button topic. So if we could not accuse people on the Alliance of pretending or inherently arguing in bad faith that would be preferable, and in reverse.


Hey, all im saying that your argument of “it doesnt count bc Anduin and Astari were the only ones who said it” is weak.

I can count in one hand the number of horde members that acknowledge teldrassil happened in the first place, and only 2 of those care.

The topic is clearly being avoided. Its a " if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Type of deal

I get more Taurajo vibes than Darnassus ones. The Alliance tries to attack in a humane way only for it to blow up in their faces.

That’s the same vibe I get from the Zolaco in Zul’dazar. Anduin didn’t want to kill civilians but wound up funneling them into a dangerous warzone in the process of executing his plan.

The problem is that that the Quillboar have been replaced with Allia-

Wow, this really is Brennadam.


“The Alliance tries to attack CIVILIANS in a humane way to hurt the Horde and it blows up in their faces”


nam flashbacks start


As far as i know brennandam exists in the same timeline where genn wanted to smash that troll princess bussi. I dont know whats real anymore lol

I am of the opinion that Brennandam did happen because someone touched up the journal dropped by Captain Lockjaw to make Sylvanas less villainous, yes what you got in Brennadam is a touched up version.

But the NPCs largely remained just as psychotically insane, I chalk that up to time restraints because it’s literally so poorly coded that Captain Lockjaw is hostile to both Alliance and Horde which to me points to them readding the NPC with his base settings when they changed his journal.

Are these hard facts? No, do I have any hard evidence? Not really.

But it’s Blizzard, so would you be surprised?

Cool. That means i canonically soloed an entire horde army.

:skull_and_crossbones: :crossed_swords:

Well either that or mayor roz had the horde running to their deaths in her bridge chokepoint while i put out the fires

I mean yeah, I just finished slaughtering an army of hundreds of Night Elves with a Akunda powered automatic shotgun in Nazmir.

This expansion has been…bad…at power levels.


I mean, of they REALLY wanted to canonically depower the players they shouldnt have given us THE heart of azeroth you know? Or maybe make it less of a big deal

I actually was thinking the opposite, at this point the PC is so absurd they should embrace we are god beings.

And let us keep the bloody artifacts rather then giving us the much worse Azerite system. :stuck_out_tongue:


Im with you on that one man. I miss my Apocalypse, it had a sentimental value to me you know?

Its not everyday that blizz lets me canonically hand Lying Liadrin her *** lol