So, this is a topic that I have been hesitating to post for about an hour now. I considered if it’s something I wanted to address now, or if I wanted to wait a few days to stew on it more, but I felt that if I waited too long I would of likely forgotten about it and not posted it at all. It’s something too that I felt was important, though perhaps considering how heavy the subject matter was it might of also been inflammatory,
So, the most I can ask of you is to approach this topic with an open mind, and try to be respectful. If you disagree I want to make it clear i’m not casting a moral judgement on you, I think the tendency to call people evil for having differing beliefs on this forum has in many ways caused civil discourse to break down.
It started a handful of days ago, when we were discussing as per usual what constitutes a genocide on the story forums. We’ve had this debate for a thousand times I think since BfA had started. With everything that has happened it’s recently flared up around events in the Zolaco and the importance of intent when it comes to that sort of thing, i’ll spare you the details and simply say that I had seen a post from Grandblade at the time. It simply read that the moment we seemed to have really lost the plot was when we called what happened to the Vulpera a genocide.
On it’s face, my knee jerk reaction was agreement.
I mean why would I not? the notion of calling attacking the Vulpera to cut off supplies a genocide, rather then destroy their homes and their people seemed absurd and well within the Alliances rights to do even if some of the methods were questionable. That was that, or so I thought, and yet I couldn’t help this nagging feeling I had in the back of my head, around my heart, that something wasn’t quite right. I chewed on it a couple days, thinking about what it could possibly be.
Once again Darnassus reared it’s ugly head, and I wound up the same argument that i’v been holding onto for quite awhile. That beyond the massive loss of life, the destruction of their homes and supplies had damaged them irreparably, that in the long term Night Elf society may not recover. Then I had that feeling again, that cognitive dissonance with what I was typing, and what I believed, that something wasn’t quite right. Then I remembered two Vulpera: Hilda and Jeni.
“Home is where the wagon is, we go where the sands take us, my caravan has called this place home much longer then I have lived.”
Considering my cultural background, when I realized what it had been I was almost very upset with myself, it’s something that I should of caught onto immediately. It’s apparent in everything about the wagons design. They are covered, they have windows, all those things the Vulpera own aren’t merely stored in the burrows the Vulpera make, much of it, most of it, is stored in the wagons because they are nomads.
The wagons that the Alliance were setting fire to were the Vulperas homes why WOULD THEY NOT fight for them to their death? some of those wagons were passed down from generation to generation, because the Vulpera never live in one place, they all exist in a desert. They barely know of any other world, when you ask them about where they are from they talk about other Vulpera across the sea that they themselves had never seen, and that’s when game scale hit me over the back of the head.
Every Vulpera who lost their wagon to the fires was as good as dead. Thats where they keep their food, their water, their everything, if all those wagons were burnt down could the Vulpera even…continue to live? in the sheer vastness of the desert was survival even feasible? who would they trade with without the Horde? the Sethrak? what would they even pay them with? the implication of the event is that the Alliance had just sacked the Vulperas only means to survive in the desert and that without those things they would simply die.
That’s everything that the Vulpera tell us after all, that they merely scrape by as is, that they cannot afford to waste resources. Do they even have other wagons they could of put the Horde supplies on? would they even of thought about putting them on other wagons? they know little, perhaps nothing, about our conflict and are only trying to…well…survive and the Alliance was stripping them of everything.
I mean yeah, the Alliance was scaring the Vulpera away now instead of killing them(Some of them at least, shackled Vulpera commented that the Despoilers were about to execute them.) but, was there even a tangible difference for these people? what do you think?