A Horde and Alliance roleplaying group on Wyrmrest Accord
Among the Earthen Ring Cenarion Circle there exists a group forged from the chaos of broken earth, twisted spirits of the elements, cursed and corrupted lands that are left behind in the wake of wars. Long after the armies have moved along, the turmoil the elements and land feel are long-lasting.
Who stays behind to calm the ravaging earth, the screaming air, the tainted waters and rampaging fire? Forgotten by all but the Vulnicura, these shaman, druids and their allies devote their lives to the task of healing the rest of the world while all others are preoccupied by war and corruption. The Earthen Ring and Cenarion Circle leave the wilds and faraway places to them, and the Vulnicura gladly devote their lives to their duty.
The call is heard by very few. Who will heed and answer it?
The Vulnicura was born out of headcanon and a means to an end for my own storyline. I fell in love with the idea: a small group of highly skilled Earthen Ring shaman who work independently (for the most part) of each other in war-torn places of Azeroth that have otherwise abandoned. The elements and land need healing and while the bulk of the Earthen Ring is in Silithus attempting to heal The Wound, the rest of the world has been abandoned by all but the Vulnicura.
Since its inception, the group has transformed over the last several months. With the Dragonflight timeskip, the Vulnicura has opened its rank to druids and others who wish to aid in its mission.
IC Summary
In the past, members of the Vulnicura have acted alone, choosing solitude during their missions. Members would go months or even years before seeing another Vulnicura member, and this hermit mentality has led to diminishing numbers in the group. Clair Winterhoof has decided a drastic change is needed to keep the group alive, opting to allow druids and others to join the ranks of the Vulnicura. The Dragonflight time-skip will allow for this change to become standard.
Based from the Heart of Azeroth the shaman, druids, and allies of The Vulnicura are deployed to areas that require attention. Each continent has its’ own Vulnicura base where members can congregate if called together.
OOC Summary
This is not a guild, though there are guilds on both Alliance and Horde that may house Vulnicura characters. It’s a group of people who enjoy the class-fantasy of the shaman and druid and wish to roleplay with small-focused stories, characters, themes and events. I am hoping to get a small group set up to roleplay together, crafting characters, storylines, and relationships that are immersive, fun, and meaningful.
Clair Winterhoof (Tauren shaman) is my oldest character, conceived way back in 2005, and I’ve developed her over the last nearly 2 decades into someone I enjoy playing very much. The Vulnicura is group that I’m pretty passionate about too. It’s kind of like an A-Team of character who do their own thing for the most part, but come together once in a while to deal with things they can’t alone. With Dragonflight I hope to get a good group of role-players together a few times a month to RP with.
Characters that might fit into the Vulnicura are shaman or druids who have worked with or do work with the Earthen Ring or Cenarion Circle. They could have been involved with the Vulnicura for awhile already or brand new to joining the group. Vulnicura members are highly-skilled, and dedicated to the work they do. Many keep to their area of responsibility, tackling any challenge, disturbance, or problem that may arise inside it.
You should be:
- Willing to meet a small number of times a month
- Patient and driven by storytelling
- Creative and helpful and fun and nice
You don’t need to join the guild to be part of the Vulnicura. If you already have a guild or don’t want to be tied down to one group, you can still be part of the Vulnicura fully without the guild tag. The only requirement for joining is that you have and use Discord. Voice chat is not required.
I am looking for players to help me flesh this idea out. After leaving as the Overlord of the Southfury Watch and putting a pause on the Shadow of the Forest, I’ve come into more time to follow passion projects- this is one of them.
I’ve updated a few details since the last time I posted a thread about this project. The group structure is still under consideration and you can help to build the history, lore, and bones of the Vulnicura.
This group is CHILL and I expect to have a couple scheduled events a month. No commitments, no stress, no expectation. Just a few dedicated RPers and friends having a go at creating engaging and fulfilling storylines.
If this sounds like something you might in interested in please DM me on discord (clair#6140) or reply here to coordinate.