G's Looking For Thread

Hi everyone!

I’m having a blast in Dragonflight and I hope to keep up the playing through into the next expansion and I’m looking to diversify a few social and play styles while that’s the case. I’m looking for a few things in particular:

  • Battle.net and Discord friends
  • Classic buddies
  • Guilds for a few alts I hope to level and RP in a social environment
  • Mythic+ group for Greyah, my main
  • RPers for a specific project which you can find here: The Vulnicura [N-RP-Interest Check]

For the friends bit, here’s my Battle.net and Discord tags respectively: clair#1709 and “winterhoof”

Classic. I’m interested in a PvE/RP partner for vanilla Classic content of any type. Please let me know if you’re up for anything! Leveling, RPing, profession, dungeon, etc.

For the guilds bit, I’m looking for guilds that have a fun and friendly atmosphere that are willing to take an alt that is likely a work in progress in level and story. I have 40ish characters will varying levels of story behind them, and I want the ability to explore and work on them in an environment that is accepting of my play time management. I have a full time salaried job that works me close to 55 hours a week so there are weeks I barely play, and there are weeks I play every day. If this is something you’re willing to work with, feel free to pitch me an idea on either of the aforementioned socials on on this thread.

Mythic+ group. That’s the ask. If you have one for Greyah (iLvl 242 fury warrior who is pretty good) let me know. I can push mid teens and am interested in super nonserious play. If your group is tend to rage quit and yell and scream at people for standing in fire or forgetting a mechanic, pass please!

The last one: The Vulnicura. My baby project. I am committed to the Southfury Watch right now, but I am hoping to build a network of likeminded shaman/druid players to make a cool awesome RP group that gets together a few times a month to do some super cool RP that focuses on development and storytelling. I have a few bites so far and I’m hoping to really try this out.

Any way, thanks for reading (if you get this far Im In love with u). Feel free to drop a line or say hi and be my friend if you’d like. I hope to see you in Azeroth!


Bumping. 🫶🏼