The Void Elves are proud members of the Alliance

You can roleplay a Sin’dorei too

Yep, sounds entirely like Blizzard to do that… Though, honestly, meh, pass on the gold eyes, but those fel green.


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As a Void Elf? Why would I? :thinking:

I never liked those green eyes so I’m fine without them.

Black and reddish eyes however… :drooling_face:

EDIT: and starcursed eyes! :star_struck:

Yeah, I would too. It’s unfortunate things like Azuremyst and Quel’thalas will likely never be touched without some kind of world revamp (again), although I doubt they’ll do that considering the negatives that occurred with Cataclysm’s world revamp and them recognizing it was a bit too much for them to do all in one sitting like they had tried.

Maybe one day.


Could possibly be for next expansion actually, because there is that sort of “time skip” while we’re in the Shadowlands. But who knows.

Not anyone. It was a particular person. You can scroll up and check for yourself.

Yeah. I find it odd you jumped to defend someone pushing that only one side was homophobic.

He liked his own posts with multiple alts. Not a good look given his words.

Desperate for attention comes to mind.

You are breaking the forum rules.

Again though. You are supporting a guy claiming the Horde is literally homophobic. Which to me is the egregious part here.

You might enjoy these. Made by Lance and Somand for me.


For RP a Silvermoon Scholar. :wink:


Those two last options look GREAT

Love those :heart_eyes:

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The best part about the Void Elves was them chucking Horde emissaries into the Void itself to drift in darkness until their inevitable death.


No one said we were supposed to be nice.


That freaking quest literally gave me existential dread, I know it was a war but that was dark as hell.


Can’t wait to see the Void Elves and Lightforged have a broship where they torture horde members with an immense amount of Light and Void magic and drive the victim insane.

For the uncountable lives of Draenei whose souls were consumed and whose bones were used for their filthy Path of Glory on Outland

For bringing to Azeroth their bloodthirsty ways and destroying nature in Kalimdor.

For the elves with a certain sense of dignity who were exiled from the dictatorship of Silvermoon, their home nonetheless.

For the numerous Human lives and towns razed by Sylvanas’ Undead.

For Southshore.
For Gilneas.
For Brennadam.
For the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.
For Theramore.
For Teldrassil.

No regrets.

For the Alliance.



Sad part too is we all know if Quel’thalas was under grave danger the Void Elves would probabaly come to its aide in a heartbeat just how the Silver Covenant came to help against the Amani during Cataclysm.

The way Umbric was trying so hard to “prove himself” to his new Alliance allies during BFA was honestly sweet. Really emphasized the fact that he was recently a Horde Blood Elf trying so hard to gain trust.

I could totally see Umbric coming to aide Quel’thalas but taking major precautions to not damage the Sunwell, he comes off as a very considerate character after learning from the void ritual accident.

Fen, when I said it could be anyone here, I am talking about here, on the forums. Not just this particular thread. Yeah, I have seen the person Alt-Liking there own post, and honestly, I do not really care if they do or not.

I just find it very contradicting that the person who does seem to make a fuss over it is the same person who did it themselves.


I like to make a statement/opinion based on reading lore, several videos, and actually talking with lore folks.

Void elves of Blood elf descent would have never joined the alliance. The research behind the transformation into void elves was at first for the defense of blood elves. Blood elves’ sheer hatred of Night elves and humans for what they did to blood elves. Being exiled by Night elves and humans turning back on them and some cases hunting them before they found a safe haven. (BFA Video and take with a grain of salt.)

Void elves lore is yet to determine. They need to clarify several keys inconsistently in their lore.

Blood elves would never join horde or alliance after what both sides have done to the blood elves. At best they could have been the first neutral race.

High elves might have joined alliances based on the ones that were not part of the exile. Those were relativity confined to small kingdoms I think and not ones of city Dal.

Last point elves are proud people. Why should they join any nation?

auto correct strike again

I like Skinny Blueberry Elves, and of course Void High Elves as well in the Alliance. Glad to have you guys onboard. XD