normally i’d say you can have them but nah. nah man. those arrogant little twig sticks are our little arrogant twig sticks and horde don’t share.
instead, may i offer you candied sinstone? it’s not mine and thats not sugar but hey, its free.
normally i’d say you can have them but nah. nah man. those arrogant little twig sticks are our little arrogant twig sticks and horde don’t share.
instead, may i offer you candied sinstone? it’s not mine and thats not sugar but hey, its free.
I mean yeah that’s probably fair.
I do wish we had an updated Silvermoon so we can see how these things have evolved.
You know, it could be anyone here alt-liking a post. But maybe next time if you don’t like Alt-Likes, then you shouldn’t off done it the first time along with Zandrea in the High Elf-Void Elf customisation thread.
I mean, liking own post isn’t against the Code of Conduct, and a like doesn’t mean squat.
Yeah, I am the worse of them. I’m basically the nightmare on the forums before Christmas
This . Toxicity mostly comes down to the person, not the faction or a community.
Man, I would love to see an updated Quel’thalas, where we can fly through the zone and actually see it really connected to the EK instead of going through a portal. But I would also like to see an updated Lordaeron (well, some zones too), that can actually fit to the updated look of Quel’thalas.
And yet it was that person liking their own post wasn’t it
As for the rest of your post where you also try to name and shame another poster from the forums that I can’t speak for I would say me accidentally liking someone else’s OP of a thread twice is a little different then say if I liked my own post? You know that how works you see an OP you agree with an accidentally like it if say I wanted to post on a different character, not quite the same as liking ones own post with their own alts but nice try.
Or did we all imagine it?
Was that was said? We have two ears and two eyes to listen and observe more than we talk, I’m not sure what you’re jumping an argument on but it’s clear you missed the point which seems on brand for you. The point being it rather poor taste to like your own posts and doing it 7 times in a row is hardly an accident
This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!
When I say here, I mean the forums. In any thread.
Lann, I don’t really care if someone likes there own post. A like means absolutely nothing. It isn’t going to award you with a special in-game mount or forum privileges that is going to give you moderation abilities or anything. A like means nothing. As I said, if you have a problem with Alt-Liking, then you shouldn’t off done it first of all yourself.
Flag if you must. I don’t really care. I mean, I find it very contradicting that you say I am naming and shaming when you do it quite well yourself, considering naming and shaming is just naming someone who has done something wrong, and as I said:
I love the movie, Nightmare Before Christmas. Can’t find any streaming services that have the movie though, considering Halloween is also right around the corner.
I apologize I thought that’s what you were doing because it’s quite clear that’s what you were doing but if that’s not the case well then I apologize of course
Yeah, read more next time please.
Hilarious stuff! You still aren’t welcome back.
Void Elf power!
One shouldn’t give advice they don’t follow themselves but I appreciate the sentiment and wish you well.
Maybe it’s best to agree to disagree or just not engage if one doesn’t read thoroughly I agree.
Yep, I wish you farewell good buddy.
And here is a clear definition of what naming and shaming is. If you can find me where it is agains the rules to like the own post, than I’ll take back my post
Damn they are just fishing for a reason to try to get you banned lol. They don’t like you at all. it’s pretty funny actually.
Hey, if they want to get me banned, good for them. I am accept to accept a ban if doing something wrong. But I am actually in no wrong here, unless there is a rule to say Alt-Liking is against the forum rules, which I may not know about…
It’d get fixed again. So their sacrifice would be for nothing.
Wait, what ritual are you Blood Elves plotting this time?
Human sacrifice. Nothing major.
Hold on, let me take off my costume.
Can I join. Humans make a good sacrifice to the power of the fel
It can only make the spell more effective.