"The Voices Within" new WoW book

looks to the King movies he worked on himself

not sure he’s the best example

Or that one sequence from IT that got yeeted out of the movies for very obvious reasons


No video game would ever have a book series with an author of this tier.

I don’t think they sound boring, but they’re definitely not good enough to stand alone for a plot. To me, it sounds like fanfiction you’d find off of AO3 or Wattpad.

You say as if you have experience reading and writing fanfiction

( I’m teasing, don’t mind me )

I think they’re fine for a short stories bundle

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Meant more in book to movie ratio no Book author should ever write a screenplay.

I keep the memory of that in the deepest reaches of my mind forgotten dod not enjoy reading that bit.

Well considering he is far higher tier then one hit wonder Joanne Rowling don’t see your point.

I know. I’m just bringing up his own movies because then folks can’t do the “Well he wrote the story but someone else made the movie and it was wrong” thing

I do love the epic rap battles of history lyric about it though. God I wish I could quote it here


War of the Scaleborn was really good, I’ll have to check this out.

Maybe the real adventure was the quests we had along the way

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The books tend to focus on characters.
The game tends to focus on events.

Obvious not fully one or the other, but, generally, ya know?

Great, more lore that will either be ignored or retconned as soon as the expansion launches…

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Still sometimes those characters are pivotal to the plot and it’s jarring!

Like Garrosh escaping… all books.


Oh ffs. Enough with the required reading for a game.



i refuse to read any of those books.

The books tends to be filled with major events.

Would read


If i’ma bother reading it…

Yar har fiddle de dee.

For the most part, the books are way more interesting than a questline version could be.

Im pro books when written well.

I would rather have somekind of cutscene or several cut scenes than a book and or a way that’s dialog!

Idk I feel like I pay for a game and a major plot point it’s like, “Oh you need the book to figure out what happens next!”


What if they did what FF14 did and included ingame cosmetics with the book purchase?