The Vocal Minority

Well that is kind of the point. The OP used those critic scores to claim Shadowlands is well regarded by the majority. I pointed out that BfA had the same score from IGN and Gameinformer gave BfA a BETTER score then Shadowlands which makes critic scores on these type of games fairly meaningless.

The only number blizzard talked about was how many boxses were sold day one at 3.8 million. which could put subs anywhere from 5 million to 10 million depending on what numbers you want to belive. I a more in the middle of that space.

Reviews on the other hand are not any indicator of how good an mmo is. The people reviewing them only have to look at the opening leveling maybe some of the early end game content. using that to justify anything related to online games is waste and not an indicator of how good games are. Plenty of games have come out to rave reviews for MMOs… most of those are dead or on some kind of Free to play.

“Numerous studies show that folks only purchase things because they want it” …

Who even had to study this? Why would someone buy something they don’t want.

We are of course splitting a Need vs a Want.

No one is doubting that Shadowlands sold in record numbers.

What the conversation is about is how successful the expansion is / will be further down the road now that we’re a month into it.

You keep coming back to that article like its some form of holy grail, yet the context of the article continues to miss the nature of the post.

As for your appreciation for the game, I understand it. but i must point out that saying there is 0 flaws currently withing the game is a bit of a stretch.

There are several major tuning issues within the game, and my paladin party member just fell through the floor of Theater of Pain.

It is ok to like something and be critical of it as well.

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I don’t need to justify my opinion to anyone. I’ve been enjoying SL. Sorry you’re miserable.

that is another variable that should be looked into. lock down may play a major part in this.

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Under your logic of “Everyone is a troll if they don’t mindlessly hate WoW like me”, does this person fall under the troll category as well?

It’s okay to have a difference in opinion, it’s not okay to silence folk and call them names for it.

numerous studies also show that sales does not equal long term subs…

subs will drop by a huge number regardless of good or bad, within the next 3 months…
most of those purchases will be players who have played previously, and many will have bought with little to no research…

Okay, but what do you think you’re doing right now?

I mean isn’t this the standard practice for everybody in most video games? They play it for a few weeks, they talk about how amazing it is because of so much hype, then after it dies down, the scores start topping off because how people start to examine the parts of the game, and found out that it’s not all cracked up to be or just good, not that good. Meanwhile those with a critical eye can see it’s a good or okay video game. Or at best a 9/10 (which apparently to some, means it’s a failure if you don’t give it a 10/10), and those people sadly get attacked (well i say attacked, they get angry replies), from people who are very excited over a game, even sometimes before it comes out.

Personally and going off a bit of tangent here, i think 10/10 is dishonest, because to me, it implies it’s perfect with no flaws what so ever, no problems what so ever. When really, so very few little or none at all deserves a perfect score like that. And i’m glad you genuinely like something, but there’s a reason (well reasons, but that’s not too relevant here), why people only focus on the user reviews and not the professional reviews. Most of them don’t have a critical eye to it and sometimes be bought for their reviews.

That is true, but this applies to the gaming community as a whole, considering Cyberpunk 2077’s launch disaster, the same or similar sort of thing happened like a thousand times now with games and people still don’t learn their lesson to not pre-order and not overhype the game to a point where it can’t realistically live up to the hype and not just be skeptical of it. Heck, i don’t want to sound trite or anything, but look where Half Life 3 is at now. It’s NEVER gonna be the game you expect it will be. No game ever lives up to the Hype, not even Shadowlands. And people will promptly will forget about this in the 2 years coming forward.

Except, people want those problems to be fixed now or at least in the coming weeks or 2 months when the next major or minor patch comes out. How many times do we have to wait for something to be fixed on day 1 only to have it be fixed 6 to 18 months later, when by the time the expansion rolls out, it wouldn’t matter as much anymore?

People are having problems with old content scaling, because, ideally in an RPG, if you outlevel a dungeon or two by 10 levels or so, you should clear it out with no problem, because leveling up in an RPG is suppose to make you powerful. But weirdly enough, people are having issues with Legion’s raids, 4 year old content made for level 110 mind you.

People do give the devs credit when they go and fix or change stuff. You just haven’t been sifting though the comments to find some people going like “thank you Blizzard” for whatever change or fix the person is talking about, whether it be negative or positive.

I will say this:

  • I’m glad they added in character customization options for the base races. It’s not a plethora and 9 out of 10 allied races are missing this despite using the same skeleton for most, but it’s a start.

  • I’m glad they bought back a lot of the old abilities and made leveling have less dead air in the progression, where you can go for 30 or 40 levels without getting a new ability before.

  • Revendreth is the most (and sadly, only imo) interesting zone in Shadowlands.

  • I’m also glad the treasures require you to have thought to get to them that isn’t just “go here and click on it”.

  • And i like how secretly messed up the lore of Bastion is with the whole Owl people being depressed if they don’t have work to do and if you want to become one of those blue angel people, you have to sacrifice your memories. That kind of dark undertone in something that’s suppose to appear as good is what WoW needs more of.

  • Also Controller support.

So find substantive feedback then. It’s not all complainers on GD. Just because you found a couple that are silly, doesn’t mean the entire website is silly. I can say the same sort of thing with professional reviewers because i saw a couple of professional reviewers bringing politics up where it’s not needed and demonizing gamers instead of giving an unbiased review about a video game. (also another reason why people don’t trust professional reviewers)

Keep in mind that substantive feedback don’t mean people who agrees with you or likes the game. You can find substantive feedback too on people who dislike the game or have negative opinions towards the game. Just because their opinions is against the industries (i mean user opinions is gonna be different from professional opinions anyways), doesn’t make them invalid.

What does that person have to do with anything? I’m talking to you, my dear.

I swear to god people said the same damn thing when we were fighting for #removevoidform and when shadow priest got its half-baked bare minimum rework everyone started singing its praise. whatever I don’t even know why I’m here its always the same pathetic people and unfortunately I’m getting swept into this coward.

thanks for sharing your pointless random opinion mr.random person bye…

Nope, Drakulos just has an opinion. You are verifiably just trying to get hits and since it works for feedback to keep threads going, I don’t mind taking the bate.

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That’s valid.

However, it is the only source of information available to the reception of Shadowlands outside of GD that I could think of using.

Enjoy being miserable. I’ll enjoy SL. Bye.

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When will folks understand that GD and Reddit at max have about 10,000 folks who collectively post and engage with content? It’s a fraction of the population and does NOT represent the playerbase or the state of the game.

Referencing gaming critic websites as an authority on the quality of a game. Lul.

the forum specifically gd are an echo chamber of two minds “white knights” and haters, best to take it with a grain of salt and move on. yes there are legitimate problems but they are either blown out of proportion by hyperbole or burred under a mile of sand :tumbler_glass:

proof? to support those numbers? more spouting about numbers with nothing to back it up…

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/r/wow has 2 million members and currently has over 18k users online on the sub at this very moment.

I’m going to need a source from you to prove these forums and /r/wow do not represent the playerbase, along with a source to support your “10,000 user” claim.

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Because dismissing the entire website as “a bunch of complainers” isn’t productive the least if your willing to sift though the silly stuff to get the ones that matters or not silly in the least. Pretty much every website known to humans have this, so does that mean every website is just a bunch of complainers and we should dismiss them based on that?

Speaking of Dismissing, why did you just replied to this part of the comment and not the other parts of the comment? Like i have an entire comment explaining it out, and you’re just like “… i’l just reply to this one.”. Like, you got nothing at all to say to 99% of my comment here? :confused:

Truth be told here, it does annoy me a bit here, but i think it’s also more or less a trend i’ve noticed with you and people like you who only respond to just one bit of my comment. (Though correlation does not mean causation)

WoW Reddit has 2 million members, and nearing 15k members online.

If were gonna surmise that WoW has 3 million subs in total, 2 million is like 66%.

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