The Vocal Minority

Thank you. I was going to call that out.

Lets make sure we’re doing some research into the actual numbers of things and not just throwing things around that make your argument sound better.

Appreciate the reference.


they only thing that holds any baring in this world of corrupt media is the User Reviews and even they are somewhat erroneous, but its the best we’ve got and Shadowlands has a 5.8 out of 10, so what else really needs to be said…

Never really been one to listen to “gaming” journos… Heck look at the the one who could barely pass the cuphead tutorial. With that being said player scores on metacritic are even worse.

Ghosts vs TLOU2 prove that user scores are trash.

Im confused about this thread. Well, I didn’t read it so much as scan it thinking ‘wtf is this’ not really getting anywhere but…

Are we arguing over the semantics of what we think other people think about the game?

This is precisely this thread, folks just seem to think that their guild mates or GD posts represent how the game state is or how a majority of the playerbase feels but this is just not the case. The game is in the best state it’s ever been, and it’s evidence by the fact that this is the most successful WoW expansion to date.

WoW’s peak subscriber count was 12 million, in October 2010. Are you claiming that SL has exceeded that?

Can’t really use that now. China carried wow subs due to 1hr at an internet cafe = 1 sub.

Regardless - is the claim honestly being made here that WoW is currently more popular than it was in 2010?

/shrug. not by me. Doubt it’s more popular. I want to see how subs were 8.3 to sl. That had to be an interesting slide downwards.

Like, by one person who doesn’t even believe it himself. So I’m not really sure if “claimed” is the right word.

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There’s no way that’s true. Legion was epic. This doesn’t feel epic. But, again, it’s still early.

Yes, it’s another WoW expac. Gnashing of teeth at the outset of a new expac is normal.

As an aside, I think you take the GD forum way too seriously.

More like CNN with a heavy dose of CIA.

CNN lies about the news, Fox News makes stuff up.
Both are bad but Fox is worse

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To what extent? This isn’t an explicit service they provide, it’s a game they made. They created something and now want to sell it, if you like their product, awesome. If you feel like you were misled about what the product is, request a refund. Feedback is one thing (I like x, wasn’t a fan of y because of z), demanding changes because you paid for the thing they made is entirely different (de-tune torghast or you’ll lose my sub!)

If I buy an awful desk from walmart for $15 and it falls apart in 2 months I don’t write a letter to walmart demanding they increase the quality of their sh*tty furniture, I would have known what I was getting into and set my expectations accordingly. To equate that to the current biggest complaint here, why should torghast be de-tuned? Did they promise that every player of any skill level will be able to complete every layer as soon as it comes out using any gear?

Why is the playerbase obligated to whine about everything because they’re paying customers? Did they open up these forums for the years prior to 2004 when the base game was in development and request feedback for their design decisions? Pretty sure they just made a game they liked and wanted to play themselves, and let it rip.

I agree that there is a vocal minority complaining about the game. Almost every single person complaining on this forum is doing so on a low post count alt, which tells me they are either trolling or are just trying to generate interest in FF14.

I have seen zero complaints in my guild chat or anywhere in game. Even trade seems to be enjoying the game. This forum is the only place I’ve seen people complaining about the game.

That said, you can’t cite gaming site reviews as those are heavily skewed and sponsored.

Content slowly trickling to a halt will be noticeable when it happens. If/when WoW ever dies, I feel that it will be palpable as we play, but it won’t be sudden and unexpected.

Personally I’m loving Shadowlands. But I also haven’t played WoW in 5 years.

Games journalism is pretty garbo. It’s like film scores on RottenTomatoes-- what are people saying versus what the critics are?

But yeah this forum is definitely a vocal minority. Players that are enjoying themselves and having fun aren’t nearly as compelled to post their grievances.

Yes … this isn’t new information
. Most of the time people come here to complain