The Vocal Minority

That’s fair.

Also a well spoken argument.

5.8 user score on Metacritc, I literally couldn’t care less about critic scores, its sad but the gaming industry is corrupt and critic scores are based off how much the reviewers get paid, so only user scores have any worth.

Wait until they realize that IGN gave Warlords a 9/10.

Yeah, all the negativity is coming from a loud minority.

-Sounds of servers merging in the background-

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That only is a marker of sales - not quality. McDonalds sells millions of burgers but it doesn’t mean they’re the best.


Numerous studies show that folks only purchase things because they want it. It seems like according to verified news outlets, Shadowlands is wanted by a wide majority of players therefore there must be quality to it that folks truly enjoy. If you simply go back a week or two, this same GD was praising Shadowlands for how incredible the art design and story was.

I agree with you…

Just because a game sells does not absolve the developer from fixing problems within the game post release.

There are real concerns in the game right now that need to be addressed, and failure to do so will have a negative impact on the player base, and their financial gain.

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Beign critic woth one aspect of the desnt mean you think all the game is trash.

Remember, the key to a good troll is subtlety. You’re getting a little too obvious with these.

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Server merges have been happening for a while now.

Probably due to a combination of lack of need and upgraded technology throughout the years.

I love Shadowlands.

(gives Niia a cookie for the understatement of the month lol)



when someone says something so basic like it makes me think they are either a bot or getting paid.

Folks assume those who don’t believe in their views as “trolls”, I simply stated the truth. We only pay for this game, we did not design it nor does anyone have the power to. Ion and the Dev team clearly know what’s best for the game as it broke all record sales, and a wide majority of the player base say that it’s the best expansion since WoTLK.

God forbid someone has an opinion right?

Has any of these reviews been taken seriously or as relevant in like… a decade. Last time I check, they were all mostly considered a joke.

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Perhaps the reason Shadowlands sold a lot of copies is due to Covid. So many people are cooped up at home and bored out of their minds.

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Oh sweetie, there are no assumptions needed.

Remember what I said about subtlety?

saying your opinion is worthless if you dont add context and support to your opinion/argument…