The vindication of Sylvanas

Safely? It’s probably safe for you to go ahead. If there was any danger at present, I can’t imagine there would be as much disconnection, and denial as I see here as is.

Then call it that last little push.

Yeah whatever.

Here, i think this other thread is more fitting for the topic at hand


Well, Illidan was a raid boss, and that wasn’t so bad for him. His soul got rescued and reconstituted, or something, and he came back to fight beside Team Azeroth against the Legion. He was able to do a bunch of stuff, like make a gateway of sorts between Azeroth and Argus. He gave us some little fel thing to take back to Hyjal - which is as cute as it is suspicious. And it would seem he is currently standing beside the Pantheon of Titans keeping Sargeras in check.

Maybe Sylvanas just needs to get her butt kicked by the Players a bit, and then Blizzard can do something similar.


Everytime I see a new Erevien thread.


Sorry to say but, IMO, you are absolutely wrong haha.

Blizzard can easily get away with it in the same way they got away with “Draenor is free” after Grom aggressively pursued a genocidal war while free of the influence of demon blood.

They can easily get away with it in the same way they got away with “Saurfang redeemed the Horde and brought peace” after Saurfang himself instigated the conflict and then the entire Horde aggressively supported a war after they learned genocide was the flavor of the day. Literally nothing changed within the Horde except killing the most recent Warchief.

And they’ll easily get away with it in the same way they’ll get away with the Alliance rolling over and asking the Horde for belly rubs after getting kicked in the crotch again.

Blizzard avoids wrapping up controversial story beats and writing meaningful, satisfying resolutions because (I’m convinced at this point) they either: a) don’t understand the basics of narrative progression, or b) just don’t care enough to write through to the end.

This is going to be what I bet my money on. Supposedly she’s been following this Jailor guy since Cata; that’s an easy set up for her being duped or misled.

Great writing we got here.

Basically there already. Didn’t buy SL, stopped playing seriously halfway through BFA, and have been enjoying my time away. Like a breath of fresh air to not have to swallow down this garbage story on the daily.


Shadowlands is actually pretty good, helped in part by the fact that it’s a faction-neutral expansion so we don’t have a new thing to screech at each other over every step of the plot.

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Well its time for our lady to shine, i know Patty Mattson will kill theses lines and acting, it i’ll be a epic fight for sure! (:


This was the last Erevien thread we’ll ever get. Rejoice, the beast has been slain.


I beat you to it the moment BFA was announced.

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Oh, I’m not in favor, but I don’t think they will ever move away from it. They have avoided it so assidiously in the past.

I think pursuing genocide is a bridge too far for the “she can still come back from this” argument.

Illidan tried to destroy the Burning Legion and was careless with who got in his way of that goal. Sylvanas, on the other hand, has actively pursued the cause of evil and causing as much pain and suffering as she can; there is nothing not saving and keeping, outside of fan attachment to her.

We’ve put down villains for less.


Naw…Jailer is going to save her just like N’zoth saved Azshara at the end of the EP raid. In death, morality has no meaning. Morality is very much a mortal mindset.

“In the end, Death claims us all.”

You keep saying “x is such a mortal thing” as if you’re not one. It’s kinda silly for you to continually RP like this, dude, nihilism is a flimsier argument than your bizarre hatred for Tyrande.


whats the point of morality in death? its literally amoral as everything dies.

So you’d be totally fine with someone killing you and your family and taking your stuff? After all morals mean nothing in death and everything dies right?


By that logic, you’d have no leg to stand on getting upset if someone wanted to kill you and take everything you own. Morality apparently is a moot thing because of the permanence of death.

The existence of death does not negate everything that comes before it. I don’t even know where to begin on how terrible your argument is.


Is it “silly” to go by the rules of the universe you’re playing in? I don’t think he’s pushing nihlism, rather, just going by the dev’s statements that the cosmic forces don’t care about our ideas of morality.

Well, he could still be upset, and others could be upset, it just couldn’t be based in moral outrage.

But the rules of the universe we are all playing in completely contradict that. You’re literally judged when you die to determine where you best deserve to go, or can best serve, in the afterlife. One cannot in fact judge without first the concept of morals and right or wrong. Otherwise there is no concept of judgement to begin with and the afterlife, and all of life, and every other cosmic realm, would just end up being pure chaos.

Their views on morality may differ, but morality itself is what shapes reality and every other realm within the Warcraft universe.