The vindication of Sylvanas

I mean, there is something to be said about Thrall’s inaction during the entire Garrosh period. But, just as with every other Horde rep both during Garrosh and Sylvie’s reigns, they were massively restricted in how they were allowed to respond due to the need for Garrosh and Sylvie’s personal narrative to create new content and new villains. There is ultimately a crude function to the awful form Blizz crafted in MoP and BfA.

That being said Sael, since Lux is convinced that Sylvie is doing what she’s doing for “the greater good”, you’d be hard pressed to convince them that what she did were “worse choices”. See, the “double standard” isn’t so much that people are treating Sylvie different from Arthas, Ner’zhul, or Garrosh … its that they are holding Sylvanas to the same standards as all of them, and expect similar consequences. Especially when validating her actions at this point will inherently invalidate and come at the expense of every character, faction, and theme now opposed to her. They must be thrown even more on the pyre so that she can be proven “right” and “good”.

lol what :rofl:


Garrosh was an idiot. His focus on Kalimdor was for naught since he failed both at Theramore and at Ashenvale alike. This man should not be used as example for good leadership. If he would have used the Forsaken correctly the Alliance would have been steamrolled by Sylvanas. Which was proven to be correct since Sylvanas won at every front in Lordaeron. That brute Garrosh was incompetent since the first day he was in office. Lets pray he never returns to the Horde.

Indeed. Sylvanas is the only way. In time we might get rid of the Horde council for good. Praise the true Warchief.

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At the cost of 4 of her remaining 8 Primes she took a previously neutral city that the Forsaken had been tasked to attack purely to wipe themselves out; pushed back some (but not all) Human resettlement in Silverpine and Western Plaguelands; and took out a single Alliance Port town in Hillsbrad. While facing no real major military resistance from the Alliance (because she is the Queen of Plot Convenience). Such an overwhelmingly effective leader lol! She could body the whole EK Alliance by herself ROFL!

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Sounds like someone is jealous that Sylvanas could secure real victories while Garrosh’s entire Kalimdor campaign was nothing but a massive failure. Stay mad. Sylvanas rulez.

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But it went according to plan.

forsaken are behind all the major conflicts anyway they should have been purged from the lands loong ago.

They have done stuff that is worse than the scourge.

Captain, I’m detecting over four bruh moments per major L on these posts. I’m going to check the equipment again, that shouldn’t even be possible under these parameters.


They secure their hometurf against humans who tried to steal it from them. Stormwind humans did the same with gnolls and kobolds. So there is nothing wrong with that. Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken. Always and forever.

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I honestly don’t know what you are saying, I’m sorry.

Such as?

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“forsaken and blood elves have a good relationship because they stood as allies during the 2nd war”
meanwhile in the 2nd war:

Lordaeron: “Lol screw you guys!”

Most of sylvanas actions, other than that abomination crafting and “lolplague”

all simultaneously while simping for her.


Never, EVER use that term in relation to Sylvanas ever again.

That term belongs to the Orcs, it is not to be used to lavish praise unto your vile, self serving, tyrant of a queen.

Begone with you!


No. I will stay. I will fight. I will do anything in my power to make sure that the Horde council is overthrown and replaced with MUCH better characters with Sylvanas in the lead. That is my goal and I will not back down from it. Lok’tar!

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you should join the discord already.


Such as? I don’t think I’d ascribe any of the Shadowlands stuff as Forsaken.

Which are both things the Scourge do.

I thibk its because they are afraid to make anything solid, stopping them from choosing an alternative later. It’s gunshy and I dont like it.


Hehe… thats exactly how racist Saurfang felt when Sylvanas sincerely used the phrase in AGW.

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Loktar Ogar means “Victory or Death” which is hilarious because even Sylvanas saw irony in it and it’s use as Horde battle cry.

Death is not an option. Victory is the only option.

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Whole hillsbrad nonsense, feeding literally Chemical weapons to prisoners, Focus more on killing living creatures than killing scourge since warcraft 3, WPL silverpine, Gilneas being uninhabitable, Lordaeron stuff, killing horde and alliance alike, the whole Stormheim stuff, I can ignore the attempted murder of thrall and saurfang since they are terribly written characters that should have died in wrath instead of being stuck in a money milking machine as orcish cattle by actiblizzard, killing dogs, working with the grimtotem, serving the legion during wrath, wrathgate, night

whole bfa bull about derek stuff.

compared to the scourge that is quite alot. yeah sure scourge devastated lordaeron etc, but hey forsaken have footprints all over the world