Ooh! I can has?!
yeah the browser extension is called Wiki (dot) GG Redirect. (I typed it like that because I can’t post links and this forum is picky about it)
works in Chrome and Edge, not sure about Firefox because I don’t use Firefox.
Thank you so much!
That actually sounds cool. I can imagine turalyon saying something along the lines of “you are a disgrace to the name andiun. Lothar was a man of the light.” Or something
the villain in WarThin will obviously be Tyrande.
she’s likely going to go into a madness-driven rage and then slay sylvanas in the maw.
then anduin will see to her receiving the punishment she deserves.
She’s going to be too busy cuddling with Malfurion to go on a crazed murder spree for quite some time.
tyrande will leave malfurion for illidan and the two of them will wreak havoc upon humanity!
Tyrande likes her men to have antlers not horns.
I"m going out on a limb and saying Alextrasza is going to have a major heel/villian turn.
I’d be more inclined to believe Wrathion throwing a big evil tantrum for not getting to be aspect.
Except mechagnomes. Somehow they survive, become the dominant race of Azeroth, and star in World of Warcraft 2.
We need new characters
This is were my thoughts are. I am expecting Anduin coming back, and Turalyon will step down, but will start to question if Anduin is right choice. Then Yrel will make contact with him through the Light and convince him to take the thrown away, and offer him her assistance.
Then into a war with the Army of Light and Turalyon, which will take us to stop them on a alternate timeline version of Azeroth that has been invaded by the Light.
To be fair, from a narrative perspective, if Blizzard would stop writing the Horde as doing kneejerk/unnecessarily antagonistic crap at the drop of a hat, and actually wrote the Alliance as aggressors for once, the Alliance would actually potentially be unjustified in doing something.
I’m not against the Horde actually going into isolationist/recovery mode for a bit and the Alliance doing something to screw up the current uneasy ceasefire. Hell, we didn’t even get to lay waste to the Undercity after Sylvanas decided to turn Teldrassil into a cookout session, she literally did that herself.
Aleria Windrunner
What if good guy…bad guy?! Why? Because corruptered!
They help create Skygnet
That would require him to get Shoulders worth transmogging and not shoulders that look like BoA-Generating Items for alts.
There will be no villain batting because the faction war is over. We’ll hang around making bedroom eyes at each other in whatever the new expansion city is while Blizzard conjours up brand new nobodies for us to face, like the Primalists. Maybe they’ll rummage through the dustbins of history to find the last sad Druids of the Flame or Scarlet Crusaders.