The Villain Bat is about to come off Cooldown, place your bets on who gets hit with it

The Great Benedictus Betrayal was a huge thing to the RP community. But no one else even remembered who the dude was. lol

I’d love to be given the chance to kill the Light Zealot Turalyon, though!

Maybe Anduin gets to kick his bum off the throne and he joins up with AU Yrel, who got saved by the Naaru from the collapsing pocket timeline and they go on a Light rampage starting at the end of War Within and into Midnight.


I like Turalyon. But I’ve not read the shadowlands book where he goes zealot again. In Before the Storm, at thoradin’s wall, he seemed quite chill and was ok with undead. I like that character growth. Was hoping for him to fill the…void…that Tirion made when he went. The ideal and good Paladin (to me).

I got turned off of him in Legion and no one can replace my beloved Tirion. :sob:

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High Exarch Turalyon. He’s a fanatic and that never ends well, and it’s becoming more and more likely that “the light” is nowhere near as benevolent as we’ve been led to believe.

I’m wondering if it is really going to be us. We will find out the War Within is occurring inside us, and the end part is we will have to face and fight ourselves.

I really kinda hope we end up having the final Boss as a raid-boss version of ourselves. Each player would see their own image as the final boss.



Lol what the heck. Nice

I still remember how Thrall somehow knew he was a traitor.

Ever since watching that War Within lead in trailer with Anduin and Thrall, I’m thinking it’s gonna be the ghost of Bing Crosby.

“Do you hear what I hear?”

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No clue. I wonder if it explains where he’s been.

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I had no idea who he was before Cata but I didn’t have Alliance characters back then.


Dunno! But it does go into what he’s trying to do:

Probably Alleria. She’s had some questionable allying with the void already, and it’s very likely she’ll continue her descent into darkness.

Oh, I wasn’t talking about him, I was talking about him:

He’s the old goblin racial leader and he’s been missing since BfA. Looks like I did spell his name correctly.

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Anduin. /10

OH… I got them mixed up. My bad. lol

Interesting little blurb:

At some point, Gallywix traveled to the Shadowlands and was able to gain access into Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. He could subsequently be found within the Myza’s Oasis, where he seemed to be in a meeting with the broker negotiators of Cartel Xy. He was accompanied by Hired Scoundrels, and despite officially no longer leader of the Bilgewater Cartel, he still appeared with the title of Trade Prince.

I wonder if they just forgot to remove his title. lol

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Baine Bloodhoof. It was ALL a part of his plan… Especially the Jailer stuff.

Woo I missed all that. I didn’t do hardly any of the Market stuff.

I didn’t either! Thank gawd for the Warcraftpedia. LOL

BTW, they moved to, so the Wowpedia site isn’t going to be updated anymore. But Fandom won’t let them take down the site. So this is the new one:


and if you are lazy like me and do all your searching in the browser bar, there is a Browser Extension that automatically reroutes Fandom links to its Wiki gg equivalent.

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