The Villain Bat is about to come off Cooldown, place your bets on who gets hit with it

The Villain Bat has a 2 Expansion Cooldown, and whichever Racial/Faction Leader gets hit with it turns into a Cartoon Mustache Twirling Monster for 2 expansions.

Garrosh got hit with it in MOP. It went on Cooldown for WoD and Legion.

Sylvanas got hit with it in BFA, it went on Cooldown for Shadowlands and Dragonflight.

It’s about to come off cooldown, just in time for The War Within.

So which Faction Leader is Blizzard gonna swing it at next?

My gold is on Genn Greymane, which is why they removed him from Gilneas leadership.


So they’re gonna have him join the Horde? Since Alliance only gets hit with the “actually that was justified” bat


Calia is gonna be corrupted by the void and work with Xal’atath. That’s where I’m putting my vote. I have no basis for this being a possibility, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. :dracthyr_a1:


Turalyon will get it in Midnight. Anduin will try to retake the throne after questioning The Light and allowing himself to delve more into his connection to Shadow, and Turalyon will question him for both abandoning the throne and abandoning the light. Will go full-on zealot-mode like Yrel, and refuse to step down.

Siege of Stormwind raid tier.


Alleria. Let’s get rid of another self-obsessed windrunner sister. And just to rub salt in the wound, have Turalyon lead the fight against her.

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Long as I’m not grinding it every week 5 years from now for some transmog shoulders :dracthyr_cry_animated:


We need the “hero” or “champion” to be the villain.


PvE becomes “player versus everyone” :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Not too worried. DBM will warn me.

“Villain Bat in: 3… 2… 1… Move away!”




The interesting characters are gone. The authors have no interest in developing Horde characters. Unless they go evil and Lor’themar theron seems to be getting some attention in the recent expansions. So I suspect he will be.

I’m betting it’s Sendrax.

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Wait. I’m not a villain. I’m literally made of light! How am I a villain?


gasp How could you…

Me. I want it to be me. I have an evil cackle just waiting for a good villain batting.

I’m expecting Alleria and/or Turalyon to become villains via the Void/Light respectively.


None of the above. Someone will come in Midnight and convince the Horde that they should be dictator for life Warchief.

The Horde leaders, suffering from poor timing (everyone scheduled their lobotomy for the same week) would agree that’s a fantastic idea except for Baine (this is extremely unpopular among the actual Horde playerbase). The new dictator Warchief convinces everyone that starting another war against the Alliance is TOTALLY in everyones best interest, because you never know when Anduin is going to stop being a peacenik.

Anyway, long story short, the Horde will lose another dictator Warchief and three expansions later people will be arguing about how they did nothing wrong.

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not sure how alleria will respond

Gamon. We should be afraid. Very afraid.


woah, that’s dark