The Villain Bat is about to come off Cooldown, place your bets on who gets hit with it

Nah, with Anduin returning to the spotlight that means time’s up for Turalyon.

Why not both?

That’s one the main plot point of Stomwind’s Horrific Visions…


That makes no sense. Turalyon is an endlessly loyal and honorable knight who had his own struggles with the light back in the second war. The way so many people think this guy is teetering on the edge of villainy is just fascinating. He’s never been anything but good.


Seems like they’ve been hinting at Alleria falling completely to the void since BFA. And now are featuring her in the next expac, which follows up with the void taking over Quel’thalas in Midnight. I believe they will pull her out of it in the end though.

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yeah, but that’s an alternate reality kinda thing.

Everyone keeps saying Turalyon or Aleria, but they are all forgetting the other Windrunner sister. You know Vereesa, the one who hates the Horde with all her being for killing her brother, parents and her husband. The one who really has to hate this new peace.

I say it’s Vereesa that goes nuts in Midnight when Xal’atath or someone else plays on that hate to manipulate her into helping them.

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Most likely scenario, people like to think that there’s going to be a twist but what Blizzard has taught me since BFA is that they always take the most obvious approach. Alleria is being taunted by the void, it knows something we don’t. We will “lose” in the war within and Midnight will be the results of that loss. Alleria will either be corrupted for the duration of TWW or in midnight.


I’ve had my money on “Turalyon goes mad and declares a crusade on the non-Light-worshippers” since 2017.


You do realize, though, that he agreed to let the undead return to the Alliance, right? The guy is just tired, and they’ve pulled his teeth. There’s not much more to expect from him.

Why should he? He’s with a void elf, and on top of that, he witnessed a naaru being destroyed right in front of him, yet he didn’t go mad.

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My boy turalyon gets so much hate even though he’s cool with his wife eating void naruu now. I get it though, he agreed with some nasty stuff in the presence of X’era and the goody two shoes paladin trope is so old. But I think he’s the one character that should surprise everyone, I genuinely hope he has a whole bunch of character progression when the light expansion inevitably drops and isn’t just a bad guy we beat down.

Looks at Mag’har Orcs.

I was really hoping Tyrande was going to be villain batted in SL. No one deserved vengeance more than her. I was hoping she would raze orgrimmar to the ground.

I hope Anduin copes with his inner darkness by going into full denial and deciding to purge all “evil” from Azeroth like a true zealot of the Light. He becomes genocidal, makes bitter enemies with Genn, divides the Alliance and re-establishes conflict with the Horde.

So you basically want to delete Anduin and replace him with a new character, who just happens to have his name? I mean, Blizzard’s writers are reeeeeeeeallly bad, but when you read some of the ideas players come up with here… :sweat_smile:



See, I never want Anduin to be King. He doesn’t deserve to be King after leaving his people behind to mope in the Maw. The character should be written out of the story, and what better way than to make him a killable raid boss that finally gives players what they want: a better Alliance leader to replace him, and Horde vs. Alliance conflict. I could happen. He could still be tainted by Domination.

Yeah, you throw your wife in prison one time for practicing void magic and people just won’t let it lie. :roll_eyes:

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It’s going to be Sully ‘The Pickle’ McLeary, he just isn’t over the Horde killing Socks.


I think it much more likely they’d off him and it would send Alleria off the deep end.

Let it be me Blizz. I’ll be a fun villain.

Like “Villain in a disney movie that has the hardest disney villain song” fun


Genn isn’t Horde. You need to be Horde to be hit by the villain bat. That said, I don’t think they’d hit Thrall with it even though is probably one of the last legacy characters from WC3. Hm, Lor’themar is probably a no go. Guess they could bring Vol’jin back, have him go mad from the Loa’s power.