The Verdict is In: Mage Tower Overtuned/Undertuned?

for the unskilled… yes.

The bootlickers are the delusional few who think the healer challenge is properly tuned, who think Xylem doing ~20% per Frostbolt is properly tuned. Please don’t be one of them Diandarla.


There were several people with enough credentials to take seriously when they said it was too difficult. I don’t know that the incoming adjustments are going to be the watered down content the low-skill players expect, though. Failing at mechanical challenge is likely to remain a permanent barrier, I wager.

Regardless, I do agree with the sentiment that it should be no harder than the original encounters when they were relevant. Let’s see what shakes out.

Cool, I got Aotc and unsubbed and just came back for mage tower. Just because you play moreand outgear means nothing. Equal ilvl duel I’d probably win.

I really don’t care anyway, I know I’m probably better, just wanted to gloat based on the Blizzard post. I won’t even be reading and replying anymore so have the last post.


If “casual” players couldn’t outgear the mage tower when it was current the success rate would be low as well.

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Leave more experience and feedback: Experiences: Guradian MT scaling broken (Updated) - #100 by Murphhy-emerald-dream

I wasn’t talking about getting an aotc. I was talking about your overall past and dates, you have no business thinking you can sit up on that high horse.

You have no business trying to sit on a pvp high horse either. It doesn’t take much to get to 1500. Anyways, this is off topic. We should end this conversation. Have a good day.

Well aware of that. People who completed it in 7.3 trying to use that as a frame of reference for what the difficulty should be is like arguing that Mythic SoD should be tuned to Heroic Nathria.

It’s harder. Agatha has 150k health. My 50 Feral is doing 400DPS at best. There seems to be a disconnect.

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everyone and their mom was aware that clark and the contrarian squad was trolling when they said some of the fights weren’t overtuned. nevertheless it is satisfying to see blizzard confirm some of the fights are overtuned.


I think the primary culprit is the scaling. Especially given the possibility to cheese encounters with imbalanced gear or item enhancements. They probably should have hard locked people to gear load outs like others have suggested so it could be reasonably tuned.

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I’ve seen a LOT of players who beat it early 7.2 who are saying it isn’t the same challenge. I’m talking people who clear M+21 and have Mythic Sylv on farm. Am I going to believe them over a level 10 shadow… absolutely. Wear that term with pride.


Beat it naked, then come back and tell us it’s a matter of skill.

Lmao this is such a bad take. I completed it back when it first came out in Legion and I can say with confidence that it’s over tuned.


Kinda meaningless when there were two tiers of upgrades after the the mage tower’s release in Legion. It was definitely hard the first week (I think only one person finished the prot paladin challenge), but it got progressively easier. At the end of the expansion, I was one shotting the challenges on newly leveled alts with LFR Antorus gear.

As for the SL version, I finished three so far today (Fury War, Arms War, Ele shaman) without any timewalking gear. I understand that many might be harder than those, but it’s fun to actually have a challenge for solo content in the game.

As someone who tested the Guardian MT on the 9.1.5 PTR and was routinely making it out of the p2 in the limited time I tested it. It took me all of 2 seconds to realize it was overtuned on live. I went from getting 2 infernals max by kruul phase to regularly 3-4. This is due to the bosses health being stealth buffed, and the adds also stealth buffed by a lot. Right now the health values are inflated and should be set back to their PTR values imo. As for the dmg buff, that’s not as bad because I agree that Mind Rend was hitting too soft anyway on the PTR


If you need to farm gear from 4 years ago to complete some of these encounters its a sign.

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Guardian druid needs something like I’m not gonna keep spending thousands of gold on consumes man this is stupid. Like also have to farm old content and hope for rng from that. I already did that in those expansions. I just want a challenge I can do in my normal gear but lower level stuff gives you more stats. The scaling is awful.

what i think is being forgotten is all these fights were tuned with artifact weapons in mind, legendry’s different talents and the lot, i did mage tower in legion did it think first or 2nd week the problem with the fights right (like aff lock) you dont have the artifact weapon ability to help so you have to slow another way for example i think blizz should enable the legion legendary’s amd artifact weapons for the mage tower and we would at least have somewhat of better tuning for it

I still think some stuff still has way too much health. People that have agatha, the imps have more than triple the health compared to firemages. People that have the twins, some classes have double the health on the main guy of what frost mage gets.

Tank challenges still feel like they had a bit too much health on the caster and kruul because at 900 ilvl I never reached more than 2 infernals and 3 stacks on kruul in legion and now it seems to be the norm to get at least 1 extra on most tanks.

I’ve completed most at this point but it’s not really fun hitting over-inflated healthbars.