Probably, I imagine they generate most of the gold and resources at this point. Why ban the working class of WoW?
What it does is encourage Blizz to only ban bots very occasionally, but not enough to deter them from just making another account. They have no intention of actually dealing with bots long-term. And from real players’ perspective, the occasional bans accomplish nothing.
However, all signs point to Blizz not even doing occasional bans anymore. Seems they’ve just given up.
This is 100% factual. Almost every battleground is overwhelmed with DK bots running the same exact patterns, same attack combos.
I learned that they aren’t programmed to target you if you use an AOE spell.
Please fix this. It is an embarrassment to your company.
It is. If you tried, you could wiggle your way into the bot discord server. Hard to find an get into from my understanding but if you managed to find it, you’ll see for yourself just how MASSIVE of thing this really is. The conversations the bot owners have in this servers are very interesting to say the least. They bot tends of thousands of gold weekly, the bigger ones botting MUCH more. They’re making several thousand dollars monthly off botting, a small let’s say 400 it might cost them to get 4 accounts back up and that is caught in a ban wave is NOTHING, they literally wipe their butts with 400 dollars.
This is why they don’t care about getting caught. That’s why botting in general is so blatantly obviously. They aren’t afraid of getting caught. It’s 1 month ban, they have backup accounts and can always make more when they need to.
Yes but not from Wrath. Wrath’s contributions towards their profit is marginal. This is why other titles get the most time and attention, and Wrath gets scraps. We don’t make them the kind of money retail or Overwatch make.
Well considering what I said above about how much bots make, there’s much more money in it for Blizzard to ban bots, and force botters to have to remake them.
Imagine this, Blizzard bans 100k bots and THEN the have to resub and reboost so they can go back to farming. Blizzard doing this in mass waves multiple times a year I’d argue would be a bigger profit for them. Blizzard profits 65 per bot banned.
100k bots is only 1.5m a month that puts us at 18m in a year. HOWEVER if we ban those 100k bots and they have to reboost and resub their new accounts, even if this only had to happen once every like… 4 months we’d get: 65x100k = 6.5m. 6.5mx4 times a year=26m annually if all 100k bots were caught and remade their accounts. The more frequent they ban them, the more money they’d make. At least up until the point bot owner feel like it’s no longer worth it… but it’s really only the small guys that are gonna reach that point.
You’re 100% correct. It seems like we get a once an expansion ban wave, and that’s it. Which is honestly just not enough. I personally don’t blame them for giving up on even bothering banning them. They’re not willing to do the things required to actually solve the problem, thus, these band-aid measures they do take merely don’t actually do anything to the bots, it merely is an inconvenience to them. Like when they nerfed dungeons so you couldn’t slow and snare mobs anymore. Bots were back to selling boosts within 2 days.
It’s so sad that for a 15 year old game, we still don’t have an effective way for fighting against the bots. That’s assuming Blizzard does actually care about doing anything to begin with.
If they’re trying to justify their jobs by illustrating how many people are playing Classic, then why would they remove a large chunk of those players?
Though honestly, I find it very unlikely the Classic Team has any influence over how the game is policed, customer support, the lack of GMs. That comes from Activision, and they’ve completely butchered CS. We know that. It’s just something that means nothing to them. What do they care if the game is plagued with bots?
You want to know one easy way to fix it? Stop allowing people to create a Death Knight on an account unless you have a level 55 on that account. Then go and Ban the Bots. It really isnt hard to deal with if you “Actually” want to deal with it. The problem is they dont want to lose the $15 a month from every bot account out there.
It’s false advertisement similar to what No Man’s Sky did. We are paying $15/month to play an MMORPG. It’s one thing to have NPCs, it’s quite another to pass bots off as real players - that is literally false advertising.
SOMETHING needs to be done about the botting and MULTI-BOTTING in BG’s! 5 simultaneous Death Grips followed by 5 simultaneous Death Strikes is completely unplayable by every definition of the word.
SOMEHOW Retail doesn’t have this problem…how could that BE?! HMMMM…very suspicious! Perhaps a plot to force me to buy the expansion? It won’t work, they will just lose ALL my money, including my subscription.
How could this be anything but neglect on the part of Blizzard? I do not pay a 15 dollar a month subscription to play this mess. I demand to hear from Blizzard what they plan to do about this ridiculous problem. We can certainly take our money elsewhere!
Sadly this is probably true, they like the money that bots get them. They can’t see that in the future when we stop subbing, stop playing the game, there won’t be any real people to sell the gold to, and the game will die.
Multi dollar corporation can’t do anything about 50% of players in BGs being DK bots
You realize you literally could not make a DK without a level 55 char already, but they changed that? They enabled this.
SOMEHOW Retail doesn’t have this problem
Because the Glider source code & other bots that Blizzard acquired only works on older clients like in private servers or Classic WoW. It’s a huge scandal and will be a class action lawsuit for deceitful marketing by calling it “PvP” when it’s not real players, but bots.
hopefully this gets addressed. so many bots
It’s a gibberish name with no associated server, so I think they’ll let it slide
This guy thinks the Classic client is an old client, rofl.
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