The utterly ridiculous amount of DK bots in BG's

Blizzard, can you please address or make public what you are doing about the hundreds of DK bots obviously running the same scripts in BG’s? When the Death Knights named “QIJNIK”, “AJNJDNIKJ” and “JFNJHFN” are all running doing the exact same things EVERY…SINGLE…GAME… is it really that hard to spot the botting? I know they have been reported into oblivion but they just keep going with no notifications or clear sign of it stopping.

Please, I beg of you to address this. Its ruining PVP for a ton of people. I wont even touch the BG weekends anymore because I’m sick of 7/10 players being DK bots from Eranikus.


Yes please!!! start banning them


Saw one too tonight and yeah it was really annoying… please do something GM


Personally, I’d like to thank Death Knight named: Zxdxfg of the Alliance for his 0 kills and 14 deaths in Arathi Basin today securing yet another glorious victory for the Horde.


You know what’s hilarious about your post. You might actually get a short forum ban for calling out a player by their in-game name and behavior. They’ll do that, but won’t do anything about the bots.


Maybe getting a ban will force me to get another hobby than post here. I certainly won’t be spending that forum ban time in Arathi Botsin!


I swear posts like this are actually braindead about the reality of the situation. Not to say your request is unreasonable, but I don’t think you understand why it’s not as simple as ‘Ban the bots.’ It’s not that the bots are hard to spot, there’s simply too many. Not only that but even if they DID a mass ban wave of every bot currently online RIGHT THIS MOMENT, I can practically guarantee it won’t make a lick of difference tomorrow. Why? Because the trouble isn’t finding them, the problem is making sure they don’t come back, and THAT’S what Blizzard is struggling with finding a workable solution for… if they’re even still bothering with looking for one.

It’s the equivalent of having a massive hole in your ship. You try to save your ship by scooping the water out with a spoon, but without patching the hole, your band-aid fixes aren’t going to get very far. The water is just flooding right back onto your the ship just about as fast as your can scoop it out. In other words:

Even if Blizzard starts banning bots, it wouldn’t make much of a difference. These bots have 20+ different accounts to bot from, they have plenty of backups to use in save a few get banned. Even if they got banned, they already RTM’d so much that the cost of a replacement sub and boost is just a drop in the bucket. This is why bots are SO OBVIOUS. They don’t care about getting caught when starting back up is so quick and easy. Banning is not an effective solution because they’ll just be back on other accounts that weren’t banned, or they’ll make new accounts to bot from.

The only way to beat the bots is either:

1- Invest a considerably better anti-cheat system, something I doubt Blizzard would do because that would likely be a large scale investment of finances.

2- Do daily mass ban waves, that way, eventually they will all get caught, and when they try to restart, they just get banned again tomorrow. But this requires the manpower to do that, something Blizzard either doesn’t have OR isn’t interested in investing into Wrath.

3- Introduce the WoW token, this kills the bots outright because people will instead just buy gold through the wow token. However, I doubt the majority of the community would be okay with the wow token.

4- Giving the general public the ability to bot ourselves. RMT wouldn’t exist if we could all bot for ourselves. This is something that is FAR BEYOND #somechanges, and tbh I don’t think they’d even do this in retail, let alone Wrath.

So what else can they do?

TLDR: The problem is way too big and Blizzard can’t do to much to prevent it. Bots have plenty of backup accounts to use if they get banned, and starting up new accounts is quick, easy and affordable considering how much they’ve already RMT’d, it’s just a drop in the bucket for them.

Blizz created this situation by making dks available to everyone without having to have a 55. Just means for $15 they get another instant bot.

The fact that hasn’t changed demonstrates Blizz gives 0 :poop:s about the situation. And just look at the sheer amount of bots. That’s just money in their pocket. They have no respect for the game or players. $$$ is all that matters.

  1. Respond to reports of botting and give these a look at by a real life person. They could probably hire 20-30 people to investigate bot reports and enact a swift ban.

  2. Force someone to have a level 70 on an account before they can create a Death Knight. This will increase the start up cost by botters to boost their characters, allowing Blizzard to siphon funds from them as they ban their bots making the investment into bots higher than 15 dollars.

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You didn’t at all read my post if you even suggest this. The problem isn’t finding the bots, it’s making sure they stay out. They can investigate all the reports they want, and ban every single one of them, but what stops them from coming back? What stops them from logging onto backup accounts? It’s a fruitless effort.

This would help with DK bots, yes, which is a primary bot case. HOWEVER, if they took that away, bots would simply go back to the ways of Classic, pick the class that it the quickest and easiest to bot level up. They roll level 1, and bot to max level. Boom, we’re back to square 1.

I 100% agree with this. However, botting was a problem before DK’s were even in the game. Not on the scale it is now, but still a rather big problem. If you took DK’s out of the game right now, we’d still have plenty of bots, but I bet they’d be paladins or druids instead. Bots will just roll a level 1 pally for example and then bot to max level. Only reason why DK’s are the bot character of choice is because they start at level 55.

Of course you’re right. Bots will just find another way. And Blizz has made it clear they have no desire or intention of doing anything about it.

I’m simply pointing out Blizz made it even easier for them with this decision about dks.

Also, I don’t know why I even call it Blizz. It’s just Activision. They run the show now.


A bot account is a paying account. Why reduce profits through bans?

Hows this? A captcha system if you want to enter a BG. Easy as hell for any player, and I guarentee most of us PvP’ers would put up with it just to not deal with bots.

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I wonder if Blizzard actually does read these bots threads in the hopes that someone will actually spark a new idea for them on how to deal with it. I’m not going to pretend it’s an easy issue to solve, but at this point Blizzard is watching throigh the bedroom window as their game gets screwed by bots.


Because it doesn’t reduce profits. In fact, they’re losing out by not banning the bots. Think of it like this, yeah they get $15 a month from an active bot, and the $50 from that bot’s boost, HOWEVER, if the bot was banned, the bot account would have to be remade, which means an additional $15 for the sub AND another $50 for the boost, PER BOT.

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See now this is actually a solid idea, but really only works for entering a BG. What about simply playing your account? Farming out in the open world?

When I spammed RDF messages to the top Blizzard added RDF. This totally works bro


Btw, you should actually make accounts and cancel them after 30 days. Rinse repeat. Using your actual gaming accounts is a newb move. $15 for an unlimited source of pleasure. Forumwarz irl…

Unfortunately you are actually serious and not just an absurdist making fun of people who take this seriously…

You think you are changing the World… of Warcraft. LULz :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Bot accounts will only be made if the cost of making a bot is always less than the profit from making one. Bliz’s bottom line profit is $65 for the first month. But that’s not just it. The more bots that are available the more gold is available. There is inflation but I’m not getting into that.

Bliz’s actual profit is every action/account more that will be done/created because of that bot.

  1. Wanting to start on a new realm because yours is locked and you can’t play with friends due to a locked server? Buy boost, buy gold, get boosted, buy gold get ticket/gear.
  2. Wanting an alt account for whatever reason? Buy boost, buy gold, get boosted, buy gold get ticket/gear.
  3. Have gold needs like profession leveling or that thicc repair mount or whatever and can’t be bothered to grind for hours? Buy gold, get your needs met, and your sub keeps going because you are happy you got what you wanted.

Bots influence a whole slew of player activities most not even mentioned here. There are plenty of reasons for Bliz to do nothing about them. Sorry my first post didn’t cover that. For profit gains, this is perfect symbiosis.

Consider this wow has millions of subscribers so it’s not inconceivable that there are hundreds of thousands of bot accounts. Using that base line first month profit of $65 banning 100k bot accounts is already 6.5 million. Imagine doing that several times a year. The higherups need bonuses.

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I can only assume at this point there are more bot subscribers than players. They’re not going to ban the majority of subscribers.

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