The upgrade cost for the gear can't be right... right?

If people want to play this the entire duration, they can too. You have 1.5 million bronze to grind if you want it all, you can play alts, etc. Don’t mistake what we want for someone trying to take something away from you just because you want to grind forever.

I’ve decided I’m just gonna level alts and dump the bronze I earn into mounts. Good way to get ready for TWW and get some cosmetics (the only thing carrying over to retail). Getting “overpowered” requires not getting the cosmetics so. Eh.

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Still waiting on that fix.

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lol do they? todays patch made things worse, plus messed up a dungeon.

Still nothing

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I just wish it wasn’t such an insane cost to upgrade. I want to play and have fun and be op. I’m willing to do the three dailies too, but when I join LFR with a frog farmer it just really puts into perspective how impossible it is to get to that point now. I’ll have to play soooooo much to even be close and it kinda is ruining the event for me.

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I am once again asking for gear upgrade to cost less.

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I just hit level 64 and instantly got WAY weaker, like normal quest mobs were painful to slog through. Upgrading my gear did help, but it cost 6,000 Bronze…at level 64. I literally don’t know how I’m supposed to gear up at 70 if it’s this bad already. Raiding and questing gives me barely anything compared to what I need.

One person was doing 70% of the overall damage in my raid today when I was on my tank. I could barely keep aggro. It’s not fun.

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Once MoPremix player-base begins to fall into the negative numbers then Blizzard will lower the upgrade costs in an attempt to keep players and save face.

I can say for certain that the server I play on is nearly empty already in MoP but I suppose it could rebound this weekend. Who knows?

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It’s still fairly active where I am, at least, but that’s no surprise considering my server. My guess is that a lot of people are doing what I’ve been doing: making alts to recapture the OP feeling you have while leveling with a boosted cloak, while avoiding the ultra nerfs of high levels.

They’re incrementally adding better sources of Bronze, at least – like the Greater Caches from normal dungeon dailies. But my guess is they’re going to increase it over time as they did with Plunderstorm.

I’m also fairly certain they’re not going to nerf the upgrade cost. For reasons I can’t understand, they seem very reluctant to touch it so far.

You don’t need to grind, period. You can just play the game.

This is a relaxed leveling mode with whacked out talents to play with and a wide selection of rewards to choose from for a three month period and the only people grinding are the ones who (a) brought their 'endgame is the real game ’ mentality in and refused to change their game play to suit the mode or (b) think they need all the rewards now! now! now!

If you insist on playing remix as if the point is the endgame, this is your endgame progression path.


This is not a relaxing leveling mode in the slightest. Sure if you want to do quests and get next to no bronze, yeah it can be your questing game mode.

Considering the majority of bronze comes from raids and the bones of Mannoroth only come from normal and up Siege of Org, the majority of players are not here to quest at all and it was not designed to be a questing leveling mode, at all.

It’s not about having the ‘rewards now! now! now!’ its about actually getting something worthwhile in a temporary game mode. Getting shillings of bronze and having to spend 9000 to upgrade a weapon 14 item levels aint it.

If you insist on playing remix as if the point of the game is wasting time and doing quests for actually no rewards, that is YOUR endgame progression path. Don’t confuse your mentality for what the majority of the players want. See any of the billion threads on here, reddit, twitter, and even in-game if you want more feedback.



This is a very incorrect take. You have not done the math and seen that it takes 1.6million bronze to unlock everything on top of being used for upgrades.

It’s at least 1.5 million to upgrade your gear to max. So that plus the rewards…
Are we having fun yet?

They could simply give bronze as rewards in place of xp and solve the problem.

Or remove the cap on gar drops and let is improve that way.

You have made 9164 post on these forums and I can guarantee that this is the dumbest of them all.

Not as dumb as how much it costs to upgrade gear 14 item levels in a temporary game mode.

Surely they will nerf the coast to upgrade soon

Do people like you take time to actually check how much effort/time is actually needed to get upgraded gear when you post stuff like this?

Yeah and if you do the newly buffed dailies worth of bronze it’ll only take 64 days to get max item level in a 90 day event. Nice.

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