The upgrade cost for the gear can't be right... right?

They want everyone to want everything and to try their hardest to try to get everything, but they don’t want everyone to actually get everything.


Blizzard devs design things with the highest integrity and care. They don’t waste time on lowly PTR armchair testers who think they know better.

Please grind?
No get!
Only grind!


It’s fairly obvious that this was their intention from the design choices they made by locking rewards behind the same currency used to upgrade gear.

It applies to rep at 70…

What about the achievements not being account wide?

No rings and trinkets for your alters!

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So, the latter half of the Diablo Franchise then?

Yeah and on day 94 you can finally be ilvl capped if you do every raid every day for 90 days.

A daily heroic after salvaging the items including daily rewards, caches, loot etc… is 1563 bronze. It would take 369 daily heroic dungeons to upgrade all your gear.

Obviously you aren’t limited to only doing heroic dungeons, but just one metric for it.

Another way to look at it is to collect all the NEW mounts is 103,400 bronze… since gear upgrading is 577,950 bronze you are literally giving up ALL your mounts for only 18% of the required bronze to upgrade your gear LMAO. It is absurd.

Update: Heroic scenario after salvaging everything was 1242 bronze.


You’re looking at it wrong.

Upgrading your gear allows you to farm the content faster. If you don’t upgrade your gear, you hit a wall and struggle to earn any more rewards.

It’s only faster because they turbo nerf you at level 70. Not everyone wants to spend all 90 days on an event that’s labeled as “fun” and “overpowered”.


I’m still just waiting to see what they plan to do to fix this grind.


ya im waiting to see if they NERF the price before i upgrade


Some gear/items are like 200 bronze some are 2k some are 6k soo seems broken honestly


More hotfixes and it hasn’t even been addressed, lol.


Wish they would just post something about this issue on prices if they plain to change it or not and if they are when…and or what they are even working on from all the remix complaints vs keeping us in the dark

I’m not spending any of my bronze until the day before this fiasco ends. I’ll just play retail or touch grass. or occasionally quest. Maybe I can get a discount clearing house price. Sale! Sale! Everything must go! :smile:

It all feels just so sloppy of an event. But I’m sure blizz will make it right on day 92.



i really wish they would lower it so we can upgrade


This really boils down to people wanting to get in and out of this thing in one week. What do you propose the goal of people who plan on playing the duration should be?? Oh that’s right. They don’t count. After all, you need to get back to whatever it is you would rather be doing.