The upgrade cost for the gear can't be right... right?

There’s no universe where it makes sense that it costs 3500-9000 bronze to upgrade each piece of gear from 346 → 360. We’re earning actual scraps of Bronze in comparison.

Nobody is asking to be max item level TODAY, but when upgrades stop dropping at 346 and you get 1/6th the cost of an upgrade for running a dungeon, or the cost of one upgrade for doing an entire raid - the fun gets lost.

Did someone at Blizz forget that this is a limited timed event?

Just because it only lasts 93 days doesn’t mean everyone has or wants to play all 93 days. People want to have fun and take it casually but having to choose between upgrading a single piece of your gear or a cool mount is a joke.

Chop the zeros off the upgrades, let people have fun. The grind should be in making your cloak juiced, getting BIS gems… not upgrading your gear for competing currency for rewards that we don’t even know if we’ll ever see again.


Yes this needs to be addressed. I am here for a good time not a long time.


This needs to be fixed.


from a full set of 346 (base max level gear) to a completely upgraded set of gear its a little under 700k bronze.

It was like this in PTR and it was brought up then, but knowing Blizzard I’m not really surprised they left it in.


I’m here for both, I’d like to level a bunch of characters through here and gear them all out even if the gear is just for shiz and giggles.

But the costs of upgrading is indeed absurd.


There’s a very simple fix. Cap the cloak at 300% XP and then create a new thread that drops if you’re capped and call it something like “Thread of Infinite Bronze” and have it increase bronze generation by 2% per thread and add them back into end game caches.


Time is ticking. We got 90 days left. Should have been more testing.

This I am down with, would love more bronze.

But im curious why do you need 300% exp? it doesn’t carry over to alts past 100% right? I dinged 70 way before even getting to 200%.

Now if it carried over to alts to 300% I would be very happy.

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When we’re seeing steamers who farmed frogs for hours have 556 ilvl and unlimited bronze, something has to change and in a big way.


Funny enough I made a post about converting exp gained into bronze gained at max level.


Products like remopix is why organizations have this IVR on their phones when you call in:
“please be advised, our staff will not tolerate any belligerent, hateful, or abusive behaviour from any clients”.
Because the organization deserves to a tongue-lashing.

They are terrified of streamers dragging them

They will do nothing


They won’t do anything to close that disparity. I doubt they even make a mention of it in the next set of hotfixes.

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Well, tonight’s hotfixes did nothing to help this so I guess the upgrade costs are supposed to be that of 3-5 mounts per 14 item levels. :+1:


After seeing the lack of account wide achieves and the prices on equipment upgrades I’ve made it my goal on this first toon to just get the Heavenly Onyx and retire him for another.

Elegon and Onyx were my big targets so I’ll just keep levelling alts for Bronze since that’s easy.


Not a bad idea. Might as well have fun with it, at least leveling isn’t a slog :slight_smile:

I did a 10-70 monk in 7 hours on remix (100% exp of course) and only made about 22k Bronze.

I wasn’t farming LFR or things like that, just trying to level as fast as possible and spent none.

If you wanted to get 40k (i think the most expensive mount is ~40k) then you will have to do some more farming. :frowning:

I am once again asking for the upgrade costs to be reduced.


ya they need to drop these prices on the upgrades bc its insanely over priced if they want everyone to get everything then they def need to re-add the frogs back…


Feels like a bad Diablo game right now

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