The Unofficial we Have Enough Races to Play Thread

Just give us interesting and unique races going forward and make them all neutral. Let people play the way they want, especially if you are going to allow cross faction raiding. If the races are cool enough, people will overlook the fact that their tier armor doesn’t fit on their new vrykul/Mogu/Sethrak/etc……

It’s an rpg too, allow people to choose their faction for their new races. Dividing your playerbase in half makes no sense if you are not going to embrace wpvp. Especially if you can’t write a decent faction conflict


I would love to play the covenant races. We could definitely use more neutral ones.

Never enough races. It’s something that can and should be expanded upon when the time is right. Classes on the other hand I think is almost done. I’d say another class or 2 and we can stop with new classes

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Honestly, it’s why I hope the jailer ‘partially’ wins and we stop him and do our best to revert the changes, maybe have Thrall and Jaina sacrifice themselves to restore Azeroth, but, we the players get shunted forward in time and the Horde/Alliance stuff is done and over with by that point. BG would still exist but, it’d be portrayed as ‘historical renactments’ and the like, yanno?

And Chromie Time could allow for people to still do the warmode thing because, well, alternate time lines are done so much in the game at this point it’s an easy out for such

Honestly? at this point The high elf community is mostly satisfied. We just want paladins for void elves (lore arguments aside), and tattoos/war paint for both velves and belves.

and hairstyles :smiley:

If another neutral race was to ever be done It should definitely be tuskarr. They have no reason to join either faction but they could easily have adventurers wanting to explore the world.

is that you taliesen? hehe

I’d rather we had 2 new classes instead tbh.

I’m all for Broken most of all and Vrykul.

Ethereal as well.

Nah… I like the idea of having more playable races. Even if I don’t play them all, it offers more options for new players who join the game.

I’m perhaps a great example; I only returned to WoW when Kul Tiran were introduced. I said for many years that as soon as they offered playable pirates, I’d be back. And here I am.

And as I said about Vrykul; Vikings are pretty big right now, so if they were introduced, you could potentially bring in a whole new wave of players.


cause those games classes have no specs, 1 class in wow is worth 3 in both those games.

I think they added too many races at once. We need years before any new races should be considered.

No, they regret having a “shared” race between the factions, but resolved not to deny anyone Pandaren.

Venthyr would be awesome. Horde of course.

We’ll gladly sacrifice our elves for the Venthyr. Yes, sacrifice.

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I really just want the Sethrak. Don’t care which faction either. WoW is overdue for a reptile race.

I’d be content without others but also, why not? People will want to play what they like or identify most with, and requesting that is to expected.


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For the game, specifically WoW to get better and hopefully return to it’s “former glory”

Reduction in T-mog restrictions is always welcome. :grinning:

But more races, that aren’t just slightly different copies of the ones we already have would be nice. Sethrek, Jinyu, Ogres, Hozens, just to name a few.

Also while it’s not everyone’s thing and it definitely has been the focus as of late. But there is reason for it. Comparatively WoW is definitely slacking in the cosmetic / customization department and has been for years.

Now with BFA and it’s plethora of races, and Shadowlands focusing on customization options. Players, specifically on these forums are trying to suggest things that would be better alternatives to what Blizzard has decided to give us, for one reason or another.

While it’s impossible to please everyone, Blizzard tends to be willfully ignorant and or selectively listens to suggestions in terms of both additional races and customization options. WoW can’t have everything under the sun, and it’s definitely been improving as of late. But still…

(Also everything I’m referring too, excludes the dozens of “high” off brand elf posts. They don’t count. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Are the art/player model team even the same as encounter design team?
Also we haven’t got new races in Shadowlands and it’s still suffering from the same issues in BfA. So I don’t see the correlation here.


Given there was one person that was doing class design for the entire game and they also did other things, I don’t think there’s an art model team just floating around with nothing to do but fulfill a handful of nihilist desires for no objective reality where anyone can be anything.

Especially considering the game is suffocating in it’s inability to get content to market in a timely fashion. All the things that get fixed in the x.5 “we hear you” patches, and all the time gates and excessive grinds you see complaints about are issues rooted in the need to stretch 3 months of content into 8 months of subs.

One could wonder how much of that production bottle neck is dealing with all the classes and races that have been added since launch?

And it’s probably a safe assumption that the amount of future work you add with new classes and races is not a X+N problem. A lot of it will be a X*N and X^N problem.

They are a big company you know… they should hire more people and give the player base both things, new content and new customizations…

you are playing a full box price and on top of that a subscription…