The Unofficial we Have Enough Races to Play Thread

Seriously… What do you want?

Content or for the devs to spend the next 10 years getting millions of combinations of armor and weapons to work on every conceivable type of character?


I remember when we got content and a new race.

Or a new class. A new class is good too.


Nope. The high elf crowd will never stop until they get their ‘true high elves on alliance side’*.
We also still don’t have ogres.

*perception of this race changes per person, which makes it nearly impossible to implement.


Yeah I think we’re good too. Not that we shouldn’t get more in the future, races are obviously important and can still happen.

But we used to only get one or two in some expansions. BfA added a record 10 allied races at once. And immediately afterwards people are still unhappy and saying it’s not enough because their specific one wasn’t added. Or that SL didn’t add any new ones either. Can’t we just be satisfied and less greedy?

I think we can chill for a bit and be fine. We already have 23 options :sweat_smile:


Excuse me but this is the GD.


Less ear clipping on Vulpera helms, please.

I know, my outlandish claims are lost to the void here. But it gives me someone to talk to so I try :zipper_mouth_face:

Instead of more races i’d rather have more body types/models at character creation when selecting a race, don’t need body sliders as that may be too much for the game, but they can deff give us more skeletons to make use of.

Example, when choosing Forsaken give the option between an Undead Human or Thalassian Elf.

When choosing Trolls give the option between Darkspear Bodytype or Jungle (Amani) Bodytype.

When choosing human give the option between human or half-elf, or with Kul’tiran the option between thiCC or toned human.

Maybe even give Orcs access to Mok’nathal model since it can be considered “half-orc.” Nice middle ground to Ogre /Rexxar models without having to add a new race, ontop of not having to deal with Stonemaul Ogre doorway issues.



I think the problem is for a lot of the work that has to be done, and then done again in the future, adding races and classes isn’t a X*N problem, it’s a X^N problem.

If I give you penny and tell you I’ll double that every day I can easily afford it for a while, until I can’t and then it gets wildly out of control.

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Nah, we dont have enough races. IMHO.


You can never have too many races, especially when a lot of them just use the same skeleton.

Yea more of this is the type of stuff I mean. I like the bigger Troll models personally, or even just the different color schemes. WoW could always do more with this.


Or the different dwarf clans.


Uch as I’d live to see Dredger and Steward Death Knights, I’d rather they invest in more adventure and less new races. Make compelling stories for the existing ones.

True, Blizzard is a small indie company afterall.

Seriously though, EQ1 had more races and classes in 1999. This whole “its too much work for Blizzard” is ridiculous.

How does FF14 add MULTIPLE classes an expansion but Blizzard just cant handle that cause its “too much”…gimme a break

WoW Devs are either lazy, incompetent, or directionless…probably all 3.


Wouldn’t new races be considered…content? I feel like you don’t even try when you troll. It’s boring lol

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A lot of it for classes depends on how much unique animation work they want to do, but for races there is always something like allied races.

The reason why we got so many of them is because most of them are just re-skins of an existing race which has already had all that work put in.

Every single expansion has managed to add a new race, new class, or both except for Warlords of Draenor and Shadowlands. WoD instead had new character models which was a massive undertaking.

Not to mention you say “Would you rather have content or a new race” and it’s not like we’re getting a whole lot in the content department either right now.

It’s not like Blizzard is actually some small indie company here.


Not enough races. Need more!

Half elves!
Jungle trolls!
And many more!


If they’re not going to add new races they should at least give the existing ones different body types.
New models are fun and make any expansion better.

There’s at least a dozen npc races that must be made playable before they’re allowed to stop. Period. If you like your current races, play them. Dont try to tell the rest of us what’s fun or cool like the devs do.


I want what we should’ve had, SETHRAK, Not dumb metal diaperbabies.

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