The Unofficial we Have Enough Races to Play Thread

could do this

I am still waiting for my Taunka’s to be added. It’s been nearly 15 years since they were introduced and sworn into the horde, and I still cannot play as one. :expressionless:


could work as a customization for tauren or as my idea above where its a shapeshift for like a warrior spec, maybe beserker spec, horde gets taunka shapeshift, alliance gets vrykul.

A new race is fine if it makes sense.
I think people were spoiled with BFA and now with Blizzard giving the proverbial hand, want the whole arm too.

I’m all for a new spec/or class though.

I want more races, thanks for reminding me that I want more.

Very appreciated.

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well they did say, they could add unlimited allied races because the skeleton and animations of existing playable characters are reused, so they dont need to make gear to fit all new skeletons. all that is changed are textures

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Yes but they want it to make some sense in the expansion and it isn’t THAT easy, still takes time and resources to an extent which will take away from other things potentially.

AND CLOTHING WISE, yes I want them to make it fit, my KT’s boots still look like undersized shoes and clothes look too stretched.

Why do we need more races? Human males are perfectly sexy. I wouldn’t mind being able to be human on all classes, but I’m fine just not playing non-human classes.

Personally, I wouldn’t terribly mind KT if they could use a normal human model like some of the NPCs already did. That would take nothing to accomplish but putting in a toggle.

Other than that, my general feeling is that I’d sacrifice raid tiers for races and classes all game long because a raid is good, for what, a few months? New races and classes remain relevant long after most “content” is thoroughly irrelevant. They can and should do both, but let’s not kid ourselves. I’m betting half the player base would rather have new races/classes than one or two extra dungeons that’re stale and useless 6 months later.

Ideally of course they should be creating both, new races/classes with nothing to run them through probably wouldn’t work out (for long) either. Thing is when I have a new race suddenly it makes the entire game feel more fresh, you really can’t say the same for any given piece of what’s traditionally considered “content.”

Don’t get me wrong, content is the lifeblood of the game. I’m just saying, fewer new dungeons but with new races/classes would actually be a choice I’d make.

I almost agree with you OP. I just want playable hozen though - it’s like an itch I can’t scratch.

Most of the allied races should’ve been made customizations/skintones for pre-existing races tbh. Legitimately new races like vulpera, ogres, arakkoa, etc make more sense.

For ogres you could just change the color and style of their Speedos
No gear changes needed.

Plus speedos for all.

You gotta remember though almost certainly the reason we got so many races at once was precisely because they were using assets that were already in the game and hence hella easier to create, especially so many at a time.

I mean, how they handled them, especially when BfA was current, was totally whack and I spent more hours grinding rep (something I generally loathe) than I’d care to admit. I just hope they eventually make them fully unlocked to everyone because I still don’t have 2 that I have no plans to play and no plans to unlock, but who knows, if they were free maybe I’d give them a try and it’d be one more thing to keep me occupied in game.

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Oh absolutely, yeah. Vulpera using the same rig as goblins is a testament to that.

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I could agree with this… If they do choose to add more races though, they need to be very distinct. No more elves, nothing that could be considered an ‘option’ of one of the existing races. Want San’layn? Give Blood Elves the appropriate customization options…

I thought it felt kinda bad that the allied races didnt have their own starting leveling experience.

I cannot deny this. :woman_elf:

Different teams work on content while another works on stuff like models and animation so both


You like the races we have thats good. Doesn’t mean everyone has that race they always wanted to play as.

For example my top fav races aren’t playable. Naga, Murloc, Mogu, Tuskarr, Yaungol, Botani, Tolvir, Harpies, sethrak. All those I would love to play or be able to race change into frequently.

Yes. And I want some Fauna-based races.

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