The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I remember playing with the model viewer, but I think the last time I tried it, I couldn’t get it to load. I might check it again.

Got it working.
They are just recolors/the same model.

when you load up the WoW Model viewer and pick the npc “ogre”
Down under animation it has a drop down list withg Ogre_draenor_“color”
Where “color” is the skin color of the model and you can cycle through them and it’s just a ton of variations of armor sets for that skin color.
The Exile’s reach ogres are in that same list.

Really is a good looking model though.
You can go tot he bottom and there’s an option called “ogredraenor” which is just the base one with no armor or gear, just his undies.
There is a second version where he has a bunch of armored plates all over.

Even the final bosses of Exile’s Reach and Highmaul are the same model recolored.


It makes sense they are the same model. Maybe something changed at some point, as I recall there being some sort of difference. I’ll have to hunt through this megathread to see if anything specific was mentioned about them being different.

On another note, Dragonflight alpha has been opened and all sorts of news is being shared. My understanding is the alpha is being tested in sections, so we should see more things open up and shared as time goes on.

So far, nothing really to report on with regards to the Horde Ogre clans, though story stuff hasn’t really been mentioned, so we’ll see if they make an appearance at all. We could always see them in a future patch…or they can be MIA as usual. I’ll keep an eye out for anything to report back, though I’m trying not to get my hopes up.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yeah, I didn’t see much difference other than the color scheme.
The boss models, one was missing the tabard-like bit that hung down from the belt.

It was nice seeing the Mok’nathal and Broken threads pop up. Those definitely need to happen as well as this one and Vrykul and many others.

I’m still wishing they’d make a dev team dedicated to that sort of thing. Customizations, races, etc are popular. Needs to be more of it more often.

It’s sad how often that is the case for stuff that’d make nice additions to the game.
How many characters are introduced and then left along the wayside.


Was also kinda interesting they went with a whole new rig for the new furbolg models, but they did the same thing for the gnolls as well. Probably picking some that were a bit more modern compared to the ones they’d previously used. More fluid and more animations etc.


I came across some exciting news that I don’t see discussed very much. According to MMO-Champion, who reported on an interview with Ion Hazzikostas, Blizzard is looking to increase the 50 character limit per account in some fashion.

In a summary of the interview, the following was under the Misc section:

“The team is looking into raising the 50 character slot limit.”

If true, it’s really exciting news since a lot of us have been wanting an increase to the 50 character cap per account.

Nothing is really stated on how and when this would be applied. I’ve said before, in speaking for myself, that I would happily pay money to get more character slots for my account. I’m not wanting to manage multiple accounts and the costs associated with them, so being able to get more character slots would be welcomed.

I’m a bit of an altaholic and love all my characters I have. I’ve been getting dangerously close to the 50 character limit, with most of my free slots in reserve for is certain races become playable as well as other new races and/or classes. A lot of people are in that boat and it is a frustrating ordeal to have to delete characters or not make one of a new race or class.

Whenever we get news on it, I’ll be sure to report it in both my megathreads. At present, I have one slot reserved for a potential Ogre character, but I know there are others who had wanted to make multiple Ogre characters should they become a playable Horde race. More character slots will be useful in lowering the chances of having to delete any existing characters to do so.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Per the alpha, the guards within Orgrimmar and Stormwind express hostility towards the Dracthyr and dragons in general… and it got me thinking, Ogres as a whole are not viewed in the best light. Thus I cant help but wonder if we will have guards and random NPCs being hostile to Ogres when they become playable, like calling them dumb brutes and stuff.


I suppose it is possible for some Orcs and the Mag’har Orcs to be apprehensive, given their history with Ogres.

In Warcraft 3, I don’t recall there being much opposition to the MU Stonemaul Clan joining the Horde and fighting with them. Even in WoW, the worst I’ve seen the Horde towards the MU Stonemaul Clan is a Blood Elf grumbling at having to be at Brackenwall Village as the Ogres do Ogre things for fun and the booze being not to his liking.

As for the Mag’har, they did subjugate some Ogres after we left in WoD, but some of them remained loyal to the Mag’har Orcs, so there may not have been harsh treatment between them during that time. Not to mention said loyal Ogres came with us back to Azeroth and stood with the Mag’har Orcs as opposed to running away. It’s possible the Mag’har Orcs would still be dubious to Ogres in general, especially with the MU Stonemaul Clan being an unknown. Moreso if the AU Stonemaul Clan are given full membership status of the Horde, being on a more equal level to the Mag’har as opposed to still being more or less indentured servants to them.

That said, I’m sure some members of the Horde would be uneasy about Ogres being full members and getting to run around freely. I mean, there is a Blood Elf merchant in Eversong Forest who refuses to sell to Darkspear Trolls, so we could see some of that elsewhere in flavor text.

On the other hand, like in the case of some of the Dracthyr eventually being full members of the Alliance, I’m sure the Horde would come to accept them and fight alongside them just fine after they’re introduced as a playable Horde race. Would some of the Horde still not like it? Sure, but they’d have to deal with it or become villain batted I guess.

It’s certainly not a hurdle that would prevent Ogres from becoming a playable Horde race. Give Ogre champions a chance, and I’m sure the Horde would be happy to have them as full members. And I’m sure the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans (and Dunemaul Clan if they’re part of the playable Horde Ogre faction) would be happy fighting for the Horde.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


He also doesn’t function as a vendor to Zandalari Trolls, though he displays his generic talk to quote instead of the refusal quote he shows to Darkspear. Ah old content, always a spaghetti mess.


According to this Dragonflight interview, there are no allied races currently planned for Dragonflight, but they are still open to using the system when it makes sense in the future. For now the focus is on the Dracthyr.

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I think Blizzard mentioned that there are no allied races during Dragonflight are currently planned. Of course, we could see playable races afterwards, like a preorder incentive for the expansion after Dragonflight. There are some great potential candidates, like Furbolgs and Tuskarr.

An argument could be made for the MU Stonemaul Clan to appear during Dragonflight, given their history with evil dragons. So it could make sense to see that go towards them being an allied race…then again, there were other times it made sense for Ogres to become a playable Horde race (BfA being a glaring example), so who knows?

As I said before, I lean more towards Ogres as a core race than an allied race because they would require enough work that a lot of time would be needed to get them designed. I’d assume as an expansion featured core race, they’d have more development time as opposed to being an allied race during an expansion. Then again, I’d happily do what would be needed to unlock playable Horde Ogres if it meant they’d be fully playable.

With regards to the allied race system as a whole, I personally do like the concept of it. It got me to play the game and be interested. Not to mention the excitement of being able to make my new characters. Granted, there are a lot of valid criticism of the system, such as them still being locked for new players in the future when it doesn’t make sense in the storyline for them to not be unlocked. And unlocking playable races isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it did give a lot of races a chance to become playable when they didn’t have a chance before.

It’ll be interesting to see how and when the allied race system gets utilized in the future. But regardless how, I still hope for playable Horde Ogres someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Very saddened to say I think that about does it for Ogres, at least for several years. With the addition of Dracthyr this expansion, I don’t see new races being added in the expansion after.

Just so tired of it. There’s so many races in the game with years of established writing for Blizzard to make playable. Races people have been begging years for.

  1. You only have to adjust the model for armor.
  2. You don’t have to write anything new for the race.
  3. Blizz can point to these races and say “we’re listening” and earn easy points with the playerbase.

I genuinely don’t get this insistence on reinventing the wheel and making up entirely new races and finding a way to force them into the factions with zero writing and background behind them.


Just heard that no allied races planned

So…No Ogres I guess :frowning:


It’s hard to know what’ll come after Dragonflight. We’ve had expansions before where we got new races in a row, like with Cataclysm into MoP. BfA also gave us several new races, though that was introducing the allied race system and I’d be surprised if we saw 10+ new playable races in an expansion again.

Of course, what the next expansion will be based on is up in the air. Some rumors are it could be a cosmic void theme, but nothing is concrete. That said, it is frustrating when they would add races “when it makes sense” when a number of races that became playable wouldn’t change much if they were replaced by a number of other races. Moreso when it made a lot of sense to add some races playable, like Ogres in BfA and San’layn in Shadowlands. I’m assuming by making sense, it also involves marketing and resource utilization aside from just storyline reasons.

It’s still unclear what all will happen with Dragonflight’s story. We’ll have some content patches, so we could still see the MU Stonemaul Clan pop up somewhere. Though to be honest, given how they were MIA in BfA, I’m not really holding my breath. If somehow they do appear again, especially if there is a rep associated with them, it could be something that leads to them being playable after Dragonflight. However, I will admit the chances of that are low, so all we can do is see where the story goes and what we’ll be doing during it as content patches come.

As for races that come out of nowhere becoming playable, in some cases I would agree with that. The thing is that all races, PC and NPC, were new that came out of nowhere and either made interesting playable races or were good playable race candidates. I’m not entirely opposed to brand new races to Warcraft in general, though it is a case by case basis for me. Nowadays, I do lean more towards races that exist that people have been requesting for a long time, but it really depends on what would come on the future for brand new races in general.

In the case of Dracthyr, I do cut some slack considering there were rumors that a dragon-like race was considered at least since Cataclysm. Given that Blizzard mentioned wanting to do a race like Dracthyr for awhile, it wouldn’t surprise me if the rumors were true. and to be honest, a dragon race is a pretty good marketing move. My main worry is that they would consider it the “definitive reptilian race” and not consider Saurok and Sethrak as playable races, as silly as that sounds given how different all three races are. Especially given all the limitations that Dracthyr have in general leaves a lot to be desired as someone that wants Saurok, a full-fledged Lizardman race, to be a playable Horde race.

It is unfortunate that Ogre fans have been waiting many years to see them playable, only to see the Horde Ogre clans barely used and forgotten for the most part. Then again, if I had no hope whatsoever, I wouldn’t be here doing what I do.

As I said before, I am hoping that new races we see playable in the future would be ones having been requested for a long time, both here on the forums and elsewhere. It’s something I think people would have more attachment to, would be more exciting, and as mentioned, would give Blizzard a good image of listening to feedback. In some cases, like with Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs, years went by of them being requested before they eventually became playable. So it is a reason I personally keep going, as frustrating as it has been.

Anyway, I wouldn’t necessarily give up completely. I’m personally keeping an open mind and will keep supporting the races I want playable as I keep playing the game. I know if nothing comes from Dragonflight, we’ll have a few years before the next expansion hits. Of course, the march for playable Horde Ogre support has been going since the game launched, though I kinda expected it to be longer as I came to these forums to support playable Horde Ogres.

It’s easy to fall into despair, but I’m still going to keep at it even if nothing comes from Dragonflight. That said, I’ll keep an eye out as we go through content patches. Maybe we’ll get lucky and at least see the MU Stonemaul Clan come to help us against whatever the big bad is and their minions. Regardless, I’ll report what is and likely what isn’t there that is Horde Ogre related as we go through patches.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


People have wanted to play as dragons forever. Dracthyr is a twist on that request basically. It’s not exactly answering a long standing request, but at least it kinda is. Better than something completely new coming out of nowhere with little buildup imo.


It’s sort of like the High/Void Elf thing. Even if the implemented concept is absolutely fantastic, it’s occupying a space that people wanted to be filled in a different way.


Yep. That and also like Mag’har being AU instead of MU.

Void elves were also the closest thing to Dark Rangers until they were finally added this patch. Was really annoying as someone who’s wanted Horde Dark Rangers since Wrath, which is actually around the same time I started wanting high elves for myself come to think of it. I only played Horde in BC and only made it to level 10 in Vanilla so I never really gave high elves too much thought at the time.


I wouldn’t get to depressed. They could easily change their minds later.

I am betting people will get tired of the dragon theme just like they gotten tired of WoD orc theme and maybe they may make a off theme patch that could come with an AR maybe.


I know that the Vulpera, who have no history with dragons, are having a presence on the Dragonflight with the intro on the alpha, so there’s hope for the Ogres to at least have a token presence.


It’s very possible to see the MU and AU Stonemaul Clans at least get involved in the Dragonflight storyline somehow. The expansion hasn’t even launched yet and we’ll have a few major content patches for it.

I could see the Horde Ogre clans either coming to help us on the Dragon Isles or if the big bad of the expansion decides to attack older zones like in BfA, they could be involved then. I am wondering if Onyxia’s Lair could be targeted, in which case we could see a revamped Dustwallow Marsh and see the MU Stonemaul Clan, possibly with the AU Stonemaul Clan, get involved again.

It’s up in the air what direction the story will go. And as I said, I’m keeping an open mind and trying not to get my hopes up. The stance I’m taking is moreso to report on if there are any sightings of the Horde Ogre clans or anything of particular interest relating to them.

Regardless, I am excited for the expansion and the new race. I’m honestly happy to be moving to a much more grounded expansion as opposed to being in the afterlife. But a part of me will always keep hope for seeing the Horde Ogre clans again at least!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Had an amusing thought for a racial. While it would likely not be able to be implemented at all for various reasons, seemed rather fitting.

Imagine attacking a group of mobs and a mage or healer is behind a bunch of melee mobs who have lowered your walk speed. Said mage/healer is casting a spell, which you can’t get to. What’s an Ogre to do? Simple! You hit/kick one of the melee mobs so hard, they fly into the air and into the mage/healer mob, interrupting the spell casting and leaving them briefly stunned and/or dazed!

In a way, enemy mobs wouldn’t be the only thing you could hit/kick. Imagine being in the middle of a raid with a stationary mob and nothing really to hit back at him. What’s an Ogre to do? Simple! You target a nearby raid party member, who then gets punted really fast towards the mob, causing damage to said mob, and they fly right back where they were completely unharmed and no spells/skills they were casting are interrupted!

Obviously, there are some design issues with this line of thinking that would need some polish, but you gotta admit, it’s pretty fitting for Ogres. It’s not something I see seriously getting put into the game as an Ogre racial, but it’s still an amusing thought. I’m sure players would get a KICK out of it, though! :V

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: