Likely not, since they have had a presence in Brewfest for a long time, as well as being in both the Orgrimmar and Ironforge locations if I recall correctly.
If anything, maybe the MU/AU Stonemaul Clans could have a booth at the Orgrimmar location and have a rivalry with the Gordok Ogres. Might event give the Gordok Ogres some self esteem and get into making some great Ogre brew with the opposing Ogre team.
It also depends on if the Gordunni Clan becomes part of the playable Horde Ogre faction for reasons I’ve talked about before. Not sure how that would affect the Gordok Ogres in the Ironforge location, come to think of it.
On a similar note, I feel like Ogre Brewmaster Monks would be quite the force to be reckoned with. Nothing like a drunk Ogre punching and smashing stuff in their way!
—42 days until Blizzcon starts (Nov. 3rd)!—
-Dream big, Ogre fans!