The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

I unlocked Shadowlands flying! Huzzah! \ ^ o ^ /

I took a quick fly around Maldraxxus and didnā€™t see anything of interest. Iā€™ll have to do a more thorough search there and the other covenant areas when I can to see if there could be something hiding somewhere. I did check on that one Saurok spirit again, and he just goes through the same text event as before.

Since Saurok models canā€™t ride flying mounts, to my knowledge, I did fly up to the statue of the Primus to take a screenshot:

Maldraxxus does seem to be rather fitting for Saurok, doesnā€™t it? If I ever get to make any Horde Saurok characters, theyā€™ll likely go Necrolords if I level them through Shadowlands.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything else Saurok related! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I have come across a painting tutorial video for a Seraphon model for Age of Sigmar I wanted to share because it shows off some neat scale colors that would work very well for Saurok. You can find the video here:

Both the colors of the Seraphon and its mount look really lovely that would go very well for Saurok scale customization options. Names of the paints used are shown in the video, which Iā€™m assuming would be specific to the Warhammer paint colors you can buy.

Iā€™m a fan of the blue-green scale color that you see in some of the Saurok models in-game, shown here:

Itā€™s something that I hope becomes a scale color option if weā€™re lucky to get playable Horde Saurok someday. Of course, there are a lot of potential scale color and pattern options that would be amazing to see for them, among several other features, which is a reason I feel like they would be amazing as a playable race. Youā€™d see a lot of variety with how players design their Saurok characters, which is something you likely wouldnā€™t see with many other races.

I imagine with all the potential options Saurok could have, people would be spending quite a bit of time in the character creation screen designing the perfect Saurok for their character! It would be all in the fun of making a character and would allow players to get attached to their character as a result. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I canā€™t imagine what potential the Sauroks have.
I donā€™t need to imagine.

I know they have the potential to be what a race with unique characteristics and that they would do the game, the players and the blizzard very well, at this time when the game is so discredited about anything other than tiresome systems and grinds that add nothing to the player.


I do think playable Horde Saurok would do a lot of good for the game. Not just because I want them, of course, but because they would be both something new in the playable race department, have a lot of potential with their lore and storylines, and of course being huge for Warcraft as a brand to have a playable lizardman race which it has lacked in general since its inception.

They are a race that I feel would do very well if given the time and love to develop as opposed to just being left to stagnate as a mook race brought in to be jobbers for whatever is going on in the future of some sort. Sure, some races need to stay as NPC races for various reasons, but in the case of Saurok, they just offer a lot more and for long term.

New races are a pretty big investment as well. They last from their debut and continue throughout the gameā€™s lifespan. Many races that became playable have gotten the spotlight in some instances, with some even getting some pretty neat appearances in things like novels. Itā€™s not always a huge thing with these appearances, but it really adds to the world building of the game to see new races interact with the faction theyā€™ve joined. They eventually become a regular fixture of the gameā€™s setting and settle in just fine, shining brightly when applicable in quests and storylines in future expansions.

Itā€™s hard for me to convey this potential without appearing as biased of course. Yes, I do want Horde Saurok playable, but I at least try to put into work into supporting my claims of how they would be a pretty exciting playable race. For the longest time, I always thought they were doomed to be a NPC race, but seeing their backstory and how they acted in the game in various instances, I do see quite a bit of potential, which I try to show off throughout this megathread.

Itā€™s a pipe dream, but something worth at least trying and seeing what happens. As Grayphus said, new races are eternal, and Iā€™d love to see Saurok become something more and find a permanent place in the world (of Warcraft!). Preferably on the Horde side of that character creation screen, of course! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Been awhileā€¦

Saurok for the Horde!



Sauroks for the horde.
And the sooner the better.


Honestly, seeing some playable races in general people have been asking for would be refreshing and exciting after Shadowlands. Playable Horde Saurok in particular would help to keep my interest in the game long term also.

Itā€™s a pipe dream, but Iā€™ll keep marching in support of it! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


I hope blizzard is paying attention.

They have a good system to add races, and they have a lot of people who want to see them.

Saurok would be swell as an AR.



Saurok specifically would make for a great Horde AR.

There is a lot you can do with them in a storyline to introduce Horde-friendly Saurok. Then youā€™d have to work with them for awhile to get them to warm up to you, and eventually leading up to them joining officially (likely with a huge BBQ to celebrate!) at the end. This also works well if you put Mogu as an antagonist to the playable Saurok faction and have them be a general threat to the world (of Warcraft!). Mogu seem like they would work very well as enemies to the Horde, given their history of how theyā€™ve treated other races.

Since I still see new races in the future, I also hope Blizzard is taking feedback for potential future new races to add in. Itā€™s a reason I continue to try to add ideas and such to my megathreads, and why I hope others will continue to do so for the races they want too. You never know whatā€™ll happen in the future.

Hopefully itā€™ll be a brighter one with more races on that character creation screen! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


A grand setup and a good idea.

I think they are and I, as always, applaud your work.

May they all be there one day.


Had a really long day of college work, complete with the complimentary headache, so Iā€™ll do a quickie post for today. This is another art piece from DeviantArt.

This one is of an Argonian Sorceror and was created by TinCanWizard and was uploaded to the site on June 12th, 2021.

ā€œOrgaā€™Kahn: Argonian Sorcererā€ by TinCanWizard on DeviantArt.

I have been on the hunt for images of lizardmen races that are of a caster class. Itā€™s to show off ideas of how they could look in that role, usually with a robe and likely a staff of some sort. This is meant to inspire some Saurok caster class ideas and hopefully help people to imagine them better.

Iā€™ve mentioned before a few caster classes for Saurok that could work. In terms of Mages and Warlocks, you could say they gained that knowledge after raiding Mogu vaults on Pandaria from books, artifacts, and similar items. For mages, it isnā€™t too far off since you have races like Trolls and Orcs who can become Mages in WoW. I donā€™t really see why Saurok wouldnā€™t be able to become Mages as a result, so Iā€™ve been more inclined to include them on the potential classes list. Plus Iā€™ve seen some forumers say they want Saurok Mages, which I imagine would make them happy to be able to create one. Much like how I want a Saurok Warlock and Death Knight. Priest also if it is possible for a Shadow Priest.

Not to mention the whole concept of a Lizard Blizzard Wizard would be a popular and humorous aspect of the game. Maybe they could help invent refrigeration for proper storage of meats and other foods that should be kept cold in storage. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


If Horde got Saurok as a playable race Iā€™d be tempted to actually play Horde finally. Back in Everquest almost all my characters were Iksar, they were my favorite fantasy race thus far. I especially enjoyed playing Iksar Monks and Iksar Necromancers.


The Iksar were my favorite race and was something that really got me interested in getting into Everquest back in the day. I loved their lore, their design, the continent they started on, and much more in general about them. The Saurok characters I want to create were all based on Iksar characters I had and were very important to me. Itā€™s why I want to create a Saurok Demonology Warlock, Unholy Death Knight, and possibly a Shadow Priest.

I suspect with playable Saurok, a lot of people would be like me in wanting to recreate their Iksar characters, as well as enticing people who like lizardman races in general. In particular, if Saurok were to be Monks, that would really interest people who had Iksar Monks back in the day. Playable Saurok would be exciting in several ways, and this would be one of them.

Hopefully, weā€™ll be able to recreate our Iksar characters as horde Saurok someday in WoW! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Got a bit of inspiration to take some screenshots in the Barrens. This is a place I think Saurok would really like, since there is plenty to hunt and also plenty of bodies of water to swim and relax in.

I was limited for time, so I only took a few. Iā€™ll have to look around the area more to take other screenshots there in the future. Here is what I came up with:

A Saurok newbie arrives at the Crossroads in the Barrens, ready for adventure!

The Saurok newbie talks to a Tauren to get more information about the surrounding area.

The Saurok newbie climbs to the top of a nearby building to survey the area, looking for beasts to hunt!

The Saurok newbie comes across some prey to hunt! He waits in stealth for the right opportunity to strike and get some breakfast!

After a day of hunting and questing, the Saurok newbie relaxes at a nearby oasis to catch some fish to go for a future meal.

Of course, doing it by hand is more rewarding. Not to mention that swimming is always a good way to relax after a day of hunting and questing!

Iā€™ll likely take more screenshots in the future there when I can. The Barrens seems like a very fitting place for Saurok, and I imagine many of them would enjoy hunting in the area. Hunting and meat are still concepts that I think would be important to playable Saurok culture, and that it would add a lot of personality to them in general.

Iā€™ll take more fun screenshots in other locations when the inspiration strikes! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Iā€™ve been slowly getting into Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition and have been reading various aspects about the game. As of late, Iā€™ve been looking at the Lizardfolk information from the Voloā€™s Guide to Monsters book, where info on them being a playable race is written.

I thought Iā€™d go over a few interesting aspects of Lizardfolk and see how well it could apply to Saurok. The interesting tidbits are as follows:

Personality quirk: ā€œYou hate waste and see no reason not to scavenge fallen enemies. Fingers are tasty and portable!ā€

This is something I can see in Saurok if you apply a few themes discussed in this megathread.

Eating fallen enemies could be a view of being stronger over the enemy. This in particular if the idea of meat being important to Saurok society is applied. If you bested a foe, devouring their flesh as a method of becoming stronger strikes me as something symbolic that Saurok could believe in. This would apply to whether they hunt prey or combat enemies in general. After all, meat is meat.

Of course, Saurok would know better than to apply this to fallen allies. This is text regarding this example about Lizardfolk:

ā€œYes, the fallen dwarf might be most useful as a meal, but hacking the body into steaks provokes aggression in the other humanoids and makes them less helpful in battle.ā€

It wouldnā€™t be a good idea to cheese off your allies by making their dead a meal for lunch. As such, respect to others would have to be given so as to not get kicked out of the Horde. However, anything else not attached to the Horde would be fair game within reason. It can be useful in cleaning up the battle field and not have to worry about feeding your Saurok troopsā€¦for the moment.

On a similar note, with regards to hunts, this also seems like it could apply to Saurok:

Lizardfolk Trait: ā€œCunning Artisan- As part of a short rest, you can harvest bone and hide from a slain beast, construct, dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature of size small or larger to create the following items: a shield, a club, a javelin, or 1D4 darts or blowgun needles.ā€

I do see Saurok utilizing just about anything from their kills. Meat to eat, hides for various uses, bones for tools or potentially armor and weapons, that sort of stuff. Since bones would likely pile up a lot, you might as well make some sort of use out of them! I imagine leatherworking being fairly popular as a profession for Saurok also.

The last part regarding hunting creatures is this skill Lizardfolk get:

Lizardfolk trait: ā€œHungry Jaws- In battle, you can throw yourself into a vicious feeding frenzy. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, it deals its normal damage, and you gain temporary hit points (minimum of 1) equal to your constitution modifier, and you canā€™t use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest.ā€

Something about the idea of a Saurok chomping a mob theyā€™re fighting to gain some health back is amusing. I donā€™t know how balanced that could be in combat, but a bite skill at least doing some damage in general would be fitting to me. Might as well make use of all parts of your body in combat, including your teeth! Although, consider not using it on things made of rock or fire. That would not be tasty and likely wouldnā€™t end well for the Saurokā€™s mouth.

A few other interesting aspects of Lizardfolk:

Lizardfolk Trait: ā€œHold Breath- You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.ā€

Something discussed before is that Saurok would likely be able to stay underwater for longer periods of time compared to other races. Many real life lizards are capable of doing this.

Lizardfolk traint: ā€œHunterā€™s Lore- You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.ā€

A few of these are fitting for Saurok. Animal handling works for hunters and also for mounts in general. Perception could apply with Saurok being able to smell things in the air with their tongue. Stealth could also come naturally from hunts when stalking prey. All three of these coming from previous discussions in the megathread.

Lizardfolk Trait: ā€œNatural Armor: You have tough, scaly skin.ā€

Another thing discussed before. Saurok have scales, and would likely be able to mitigate some physical damage because of it. There should be a way to balance it, since Highmountain Tauren get a racial that reduces damage slightly.

So far, that is what I found of interest from Lizardfolk. There could be some other aspects you could apply to Saurok, but these seemed the most interesting to talk about. A lot of which is very fitting for them. Iā€™ll be continuing to read about them and also look at other lizardmen races from different media.

More Saurok idea inspiration in the near future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile:


Imagine a saurok warlock. Did you imagine something like this? I imagined.


Iā€™ve been incredibly busy trying to prepare for the final for my summer class (A ā€œfinal finalā€ since itā€™s my last class for my current degree). So posts may be slow for a bit. After I finish my class, Iā€™ll of course be busy seeking employment, but Iā€™ll be trying to keep up support for both my megathreads as best as I can.

Speaking of Warlocks, I did come across another neat art piece of a Lizardfolk Warlock on DeviantArt. This one was created by SamSantala and was uploaded to DeviantArt on June 11th, 2020.

ā€œTalron - Lizardfolk Warlockā€ by SamSantala on DeviantArt

Itā€™s not quite what you would expect when compared to the WoW version of Warlocks, since D&D Warlocks are a bit different. However, itā€™s still a really cool art piece that I wanted to share. The mask worn in particular looks bone-like, which would be something that would look really awesome on Saurok Warlocks or Necromancers (if that ever becomes a playable class or a skin for Warlocks). It would make for a great transmog item if there isnā€™t one already in the game.

Itā€™s fun to imagine what a Saurok Warlock would look like, but I hope someday itā€™ll become a reality that I can create. Along with a few other Saurok characters, of course, like a Death Knight. Itā€™s a bit of a pipe dream to see playable Horde Saurok, but itā€™s something Iā€™ll continue to support as best as I can.

More Saurok research and support to continue in the future!:meat_on_bone::crocodile:


no they cannot talk. it makes no sense. if anything they should be tameable by hunters.

i will support however Ethereals and Arakkoa as playable races as i have been requesting for almost 15 years now.

Sauroks have always been able to talk. The first that comes to mind is the P.U.G. gag group that all blame each other for wiping to you during a quest, and that whole tribe of them on the Isle of Thunder can communicate if you disguise yourself as one of them first.


Wait Sauroks can already create groups and PUGS? Why are they not in the game yet!?