The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! 🐊

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you’re able to get a new computer ASAP. I always worry about mine randomly crapping out even if I take good care of it.

So awhile back, I mentioned making posts of what Saurok can do for the Horde. I decided to do different parts of them in separate posts so I can focus on each part when I can.

The first thing the Saurok can offer the Horde are natural climbing abilities.

In-game, Saurok are capable of climbing up different types of walls. Most notable would be mountainsides, as evident from the Viletounge Saurok. Wowpedia says this about them:

“The Viletongue tribe of saurok that attack Thunderpaw Overlook and Thunderpaw Refuge in The Jade Forest during A Brewing Storm. They are prodigious climbers, as they scale the mountainside with ease to waylay travelers.”

Saurok were also known to climb the mountainside to get rid of a previous Mogu emperor, shown in a specific part of “The Dark Heart of the Mogu” achievement (which I talked about a few posts ago):

"From his perch high on the cliffs overlooking the Krasarang Wilds he oversaw the slow clear-cutting of the jungle, the establishment of Dojanni Dungeons, and the gradual genocide of the saurok race.

What he didn’t expect was for the remains of the saurok fifth and seventh legions to scale the enormity of the cliffs in the dead of night, ambushing his imperial pavilion from the Valley of Four Winds and forcing him over the edge. His body was never found, and the resulting disarray in the capitol left the empire in chaos for over two years while the saurok melted back into the wilds and disappeared…"

In real life, many lizards are capable of being great climbers. Some climb trees and such while some climb walls, like this gecko and monitor lizard here:

In terms of geckos, this explains how they’re able to go on walls so easily:

Now getting back to Saurok, I don’t know if they would have the ability to climb like geckos, but the point still stands that they’re able to climb very easily on surfaces.

So how is this useful for the Horde? A few reasons.

Let’s pretend you’re part of a Horde raid force. You’ve only got Stormwind to raid and need the boy-king’s head to finish off that alliance leader kill achievement. You even brought a shiny new pike to place the head on! You mount up, go up to the gate, and…find that the gate was closed.

What jerks the Alliance are! How’s a Horde suppose to bring blood and thunder when bested by a wooden gate?! You can try to fly in, but the Alliance have anti-air units ready to knock you off the air. You can try to break the gate open, but that will let the Alliance know you’re there and you’re sitting ducks. Whats a Horde member suppose to do?!

Enter the Saurok! A bunch of Saurok Rogues can sneak in by either climbing the gates or the mountainsides nearby. They then sneak to where the gate mechanisms are, knock out anyone in the area, and then are able to open the gates. Sneaking into Stormwind has been done before, and with the canals in the city, Saurok could even swim through it, climb up the walls, and quietly pull guards into the water. They’ll sink with full armor on and the Saurok will get a quick snack to munch on. There are many ways for Saurok to sneak through the city to cause some problems for the Alliance.

Another example would be Alliance ships. If Saurok can climb mountainsides, then it stands to reason they could swim stealthily up to Alliance ships, pull crew members overboard into the water, and then slowly work on boarding it while other Horde units move in. They’ll have the ship surrounded both on top and in the water below in case any enemies fall in the water. Of course, they can help any allies that fall in the water as well.

Now, in terms of game mechanics, I don’t expect to go all Breath of the Wild with Saurok. The game isn’t really designed for players to climb every wall in general. These scenarios I presented are mostly meant for NPC events and worldbuilding. Something that just seems cool when you see it occur or read about it in a story, for example.

These are just a few examples of what Saurok can offer the Horde as natural climbers. Neat, isn’t it? I’ll be thinking of other things they can offer and make more posts in the future, since Saurok would make really useful allies.

More Saurok research to continue in the future! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: