The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! šŸŠ

There are a few ideas for where playable Saurok could start, which can range from either a racial hub a la Allied Race or an area with a capital city, likely being treated like Zuldazar as opposed to Orgrimmar. Some ideas weā€™ve come up with:

-Isle of Thunder
-Elsewhere on Pandaria
-Unā€™goro Crater
-Where ever the next expansion takes place (either on the main continent or one of the continents)

Speaking of Unā€™goro Crater, the Saurok Dinomancer in Unā€™goro Crater is apparently of the SKumblade tribe:

Wonder if some of the Skumblade Tribe escaped to Unā€™goro Crater after the Siege of Orgrimmar. Might be something to considerā€¦

There is something kinda fitting of seeing the main Mogu palace where the Saurok were created taken over by the Saurok. Would be interesting to see it revamped as a capital city for playable Saurok as well if that could be possible.

It would take a lot of writing to have the Skumblade Tribe do a face turn, given they were ran by zealots who were all about strength and power over all and the weak perishing. Not to mention having to learn about hygiene, since they like to roll around in their own filth and rotting food (the only Saurok tribe known to do that).

Likely what I would do is have some of the members form their own tribe and turn on the zealots, given that Kroshik has been tamed by Nesingwary and is gone and the whole Siege of Orgrimmar event likely thinned their numbers some. A few members were not too fond of the way their tribe was, as shown by the weaker Saurok who had basilisk partners and a few NPCā€™s who were not happy with how the priests running the tribe and their practices.

Not entirely possible to have a new tribe splinter off from the Skumblade Tribe as a result. Would make for an interesting storyline.

Iā€™m expecting Saurok to be mentioned within the book, however Iā€™m keeping an open mind since it could just be a ā€œSaurok are raiding the villages while going RAWR stillā€ text. Though maybe weā€™ll see something new, like some of the Pandaren making peace with some of the tribes after trying for so long.

And of course, there will be things to report in the Jinyu and Rajani Mogu megathreads. I have my book pre-ordered, so as soon as I get it, Iā€™ll be sure to do some reporting. Looking forward to potential new Saurok research! :lizard:

-Playable Saurok for the Horde please! :meat_on_bone::crocodile: