The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Unless it’s Jaina

Are there Allied Race threads for Dryads/Keepers of the Grove? not that they’re allied race material because they’re literally part stag. But I’d like to see them playable even though they’d be a pain.

Though. It’d be nice if they had less creepy tree hand. (the keepers.)


Problematic humanoid parts, notably four legs. Else we’d have had Naga, or more recently Sethrak, and the like.

(Also, why would you not want to stab people with creepy tree hand? That’s like the whole point)

I don’t think we will ever get quadruped races due to mounting issues it would cause

having dryads/keepers for alliance and centaurs for horde would be incredibly simple. Just add a lore reason for them to have a 2 legged form. When necessary it would be forcibly switch to it and otherwise it is optional.

for armor issues I think blizzard needs to get it in their head that for many races like this people know there will be major limitations and willingly accept it already.


I’d play both of those!


Creepy tree hand is creepy!

I want to say that you’re not gonna be able to flirt with the Dryad ladies with your MURDER hand. But the connotations after that statement just keep getting worse.

Also. Why not just cap their movement speed in combat to a bonus movement speed amount based on a racial ability (20-40% increased movement speed. Etc.) and then for flight form just make them Pegasus versions of Dryads or Keepers? I’m sure people are going to understand you can’t use your flying mounts with them.

Or… Just make them a hero class like Demon Hunters so they all have druid forms no matter what.


Because mounts aren’t just mounts. They’re a mechanic in dozens of quests. Imagine what’s going to happen any time you use a flight path. There’s heaps of mounts out there the game uses, everything from your standard gryphon to the MoP kites to the its been god damn years since Wrath, Skaadi, drop your bloody Blue Protodrake, to the ever-desired bee.

If not a flight path, then how about that one quest in Dun Morough where you ride a plane? Or the bombing dailies from TBC, the Hellfire ones. Or that quest in Dragonblight where you’re on a gattling gun. Or the intro quest to Pandaria for Alliance where on launch day you endlessly circled around hoping you could end this quest and continue with what MoP had to give you

There’s a ton of mounted things outside of just mounts, tied into quests. Any KotG/Dryad just can’t do it

I’d love them as race, and even despite the half-elf thing I’m reasonably sure most people would be fine with them given their history, but the way they’re built just isn’t going to work for what WoW requires of them


I agree with Kanthinus, as much as I support the desire for anyone to get the race they want to play. (Hence why i’m in this thread). I see Dryads and Centaurs as something not for an allied race but something that you would need an expansion for. All of it’s doable, but it would take some rework of the game for it to happen.


This topic has been closed at the request of Xyaa with the expectation that they will be creating a new topic with updated information.