The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No way around that.

Anybody got the link to the photo album with all the pictures of High Elves in it?

Guys, you should really wait for the people from ‘Legacy of the Quel’dorei’ to decide. They’ve been playing the most important part in this role.


In the new thread they should add pictures for

Customization Options
Racial Mount
Racial Abilities
Heritage Armor
Beginning Zone

and of course the wall of text explaining the counters of the antis

I posted it yes, but I wasn’t it’s only creator. It was a collaboration with people in the Discord.

If y’all want to make the thread lemme know, so I dont have to organise people to help out with the new one xD.

Also, if y’all want to help with the collaboration, you’re free to join if you guys want to do it that way.

Here it is, but as I can’t post images I had to modify it a bit.

Void Elves are valued members of the Alliance. Plus they’re more artistically, narratively and mechanically interesting than High Elves.

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Lmao. Try going to the Cathedral on your Void Elf.

We really gonna do this? Now? Can’t you be patient and wait for the new thread at least so we can communicate each other on this? Despite having similar interests and talking with each other we aren’t friends and can’t communicate with each other somewhere else (at least I’m not) - Q&A April 26, 2018 Ion Gaffe. - Looking into Discussions of Allied Races for excitement. - Ion German Interview - Void Elf Customization Kul’Tirans no Mage - Gold Eyes for Blood Elves It’s High elves - Alex Afrasiabi - Best way to give feedback

Video Links to pertinent segments of Q&A moments. - Taliesin going over High Elves. Sounds like us. Good primer for the uninitiated.

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I found the guy posting phone links. :selfie:

Also, kinda surprised you put your least favorite Q&A in there.

Though I appreciate all the nominations I am currently not in a good time or place in my life to dedicate as much time or effort that the thread needs.

Maybe in 3 or so months…

My suggestion is an OP that simple and to the point with an FHQ. Followed by a wikie post of fan art.

When it comes to the new thread, there just has to be the communication with regards to what’s happening :joy:.

So if someone wants to take over, please just communicate that across. Just so we know what’s up - particularly for those of us who made this one.


I nominate “High Elf Megathread: Speculation, Discussion & Fanart” as the title.

Drop the word Unofficial and get to the point. Everything players post on the forums is unofficial.

I actually like that. Thanks for the suggestion Lydon!

I’m certainly no leader. I’m not volunteering for that. I’m happy to do grunt work.

If someone wants to take charge… I’m all for it. You did a pretty good job last time.

It’s pertinent. It’s the most misrepresented quotation on the forums.

Turns into:

“Ion said no!”
“Ion said Blood Elves are High Elves!”

Also, dude seriously underestimated the volume of hate mail he was gonna get for that.


Megathread literally translates to allincompsing thread.

So “High Elf Allied Race Magathread” should be enough.

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I wouldn’t use Allied Race in the title personally. I think most people know that’s implied in the megathread. Who knows if Blizz will keep that moniker down the line.

But I mean, it ain’t my thread, so whatever you want to do.

I think it’s good…

We’ll fill that one up before BFA is done anyways.