The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think it would have been cool to make UC a raid, having Sylvanas, Varimathras and (Maybe) an Undead King Terenas Menethil has bosses.

The problem with the Forsaken is the lack of internal conflict. They just go along for the ride and do evil stuff while the Horde looks the other way.

There should been factions of forsaken. Some should be looking for a way to be cured, others could believe there’s no cure but try to make themselves part of the world again, and some go along with Sylvanas and just hate the living.

The Desolate Council was a nice addition, but they are now dead. A pity.

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So I came here about five months ago, saw Lydon’s arguments and developed all of my counter arguments to the, “Why High Elves Don’t Work” Primer.

So it’s really interesting to see that the European thread has the exact same argument as mine when it comes to Nightborne having invalidated the “They’re not different enough argument.” down to the, “That box has already been opened.”


Why do you think they brought up the idea of the redeemed?

Lightforged Forsaken would be an interesting faction in the Forsaken itself. I don’t like the idea for Alliance. But for Forsaken it’d be neat.

I’m not surprised, a lot of people think the same way

I actually don’t care if the redeemed were to become a playable race to the alliance. I would never play has one, but more power to the few people who want it.

lightforged undead are too similar to the forsaken and wouldnt bring a new or compelling narrative to the game imo. no thanks

If it were to happen, they would probably be just be religious light zealots trying to fruitlessly find a cure to undeath that doesn’t involve killing themselves and going “scarlet crusade” on Undead who don’t share their values

I still think that’s more to do with abysmal player Nightborne being cheap third party imports of proper Nightborne NPCs.

If they went all the way and actually put the effort in, we wouldn’t have the Nightborne are just Night Elves problem.

We’re missing our eye shape, arcane strands of hair, glowing fingertips and feet, and properly visible tattoos (being able to be near-naked soon might help with this a bit, but still). If they put in Void Elf, Zandalari, Mag’har, or Dark Iron levels of work, I don’t think we’d be having issues.

Highmountain, Lightforged and Nightborne need to be brought to current Allied Race quality levels.

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I don’t think we need an allied race for that.

Like everything else in the game, I doubt they are done with them. They rushed them out to people who want them now and will get back to them the next time they are not stretched for time (whenever that will be)

Take it up with Calia Menethil. They’re not my thing.

There also should have been undead elves.

Lordaeron and 90% of high elves were cut down by the Scourge. They should be a more even split of undead human and undead high elves, rather than 95% human and Sylvanas and her Dark rangers (who only as of very recent BFA have been shown to include males).


I like how the EU forums talk about how the real faction conflict for BFA took place in their High Elf threads.

Pretty Relevant to our thread too.

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I doubt Sylvanas would side with undead who are not a fan of people who are not 100% loyal to her. The alliance are willing to take them back has well. Plus the only person I could see leading them is Arthas’s sister

There have been male dark rangers?

I guess the WoWhead viewer’s got some red eyes options available.

I think the San’lyn are gonna provide that role.
I don’t know how they would be their own race when they are still lead by Sylvanas and just goes where she and Nathanos goes

Only as of Darkshore’s updated stuff for the warfront, yes.

WHile I agree nightborne model need adjustments and a lot more customization, I find most complains are pure nitpicking. I have a nightborne alt and she looks fine. The model is not bad, and the NPC nightborne also looked like night elves. If you check Talyssra’s Suramar intro cinematic, you’ll notice her model there is a modified night elf model as well, because NPC nightborne models have really atrocious facial structure. Looks nice when static, but their animations are terrible.

I’m all up for nightborne being the first allied race to be improved, but whenever someone says the NPC version was better I know the person is talking about something they don’t really know about.

Yes, give nightborne a few slanted eye face options. Give them more hair styles, with some glowing. Make the chin plate a customization option. Allow us to change jewelry color. Give them more variation in all customization categories.

But no, the NPC model was not better. No, it didn’t look that far away from a night elf, with whom they shared most animations as well.